
Friday, June 24

When Is It Safe to Have Dental Work Done While Pregnant?

Are you expecting a child? Congratulations! You will go through a lot of changes in your life in the next few months, but don't forget about your oral health. A pregnant woman with a big smile
Here's what you should know about your oral health and dental work while you're pregnant.
Dental Issues That May Occur During Pregnancy
Hormone levels, particularly oestrogen and progesterone, will rise throughout pregnancy. Increased levels of these hormones can make your gums react more aggressively to plaque.
When plaque builds up and isn't removed, it can be dangerous. This build-up is especially harmful during pregnancy, and it can lead to a condition known as "pregnancy gingivitis." Excess plaque causes gums to become red, sensitive, swollen, and bleeding. Gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, a devastating form of gum disease in which the jawbone and other supporting components of your teeth are lost if left untreated.
Pregnant women are also at risk for pregnancy tumors (granulomas), which are non-cancerous gingival growths that occur when swollen gums get irritated. According to this cosmetic dentist Paramus the tumors usually do not need to be treated and will go away when the baby is born. However, if the tumor grows too large, it can make it unpleasant and difficult to eat and care for teeth (brushing, flossing, and so on). If this happens, we may recommend surgical removal of the growth.

How to Prevent Oral Health Issues While Pregnant
Fortunately, if you maintain good dental hygiene during your pregnancy, you can avoid these problems. Women tend to snack more frequently while pregnant, but their dental hygiene habits remain the same. To compensate for the extra munching, we recommend spending more time flossing and brushing on a daily basis. Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day after flossing.

Flossing should be done on a regular basis, just like brushing, otherwise you will only be cleaning three of the five surfaces of your teeth. Brushing cleans the tongue, cheeks, and tops of your teeth, but only floss can remove food particles and plaque from the front and rear surfaces of your teeth. A Waterpik water flosser can also be useful, although it is not a perfect replacement for flossing with string floss.
Nausea, Morning Sickness, and Your Dental Health
If brushing causes nausea, or if morning sickness is a regular occurrence, it's best to avoid losing tooth enamel. To prevent enamel erosion, immediately rinse your mouth with 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed with 8 ounces of water after vomiting. After rinsing, scrape or brush your tongue, then rinse again to help eliminate acids that have remained on the tongue's surface.
To avoid gagging, sweep your tongue as far forward as possible while brushing no further back than the corners of your mouth. If you don't have any baking soda, just rinse with water.
After vomiting, wait at least one hour before brushing your teeth. Brushing after vomiting will hasten the erosion of tooth enamel due to the gastric acids present.
Steps to Preserve the Enamel on Your Teeth
Enamel loss can be slowed by brushing with a soft toothbrush. Both the GUM 516 Technique Sensitive Care Toothbrush (full or compact) and the Oral-B Advantage Sensitive 40 Extra Soft Toothbrush are excellent soft toothbrushes.
Any fluoride toothpaste that is correctly prepared will make your enamel more resistant to the acids in your diet. Because of the substantial amount of research that goes into the appropriate formulation of their products, major toothpaste brands such as Crest, Sensodyne, and Colgate are more likely to be properly developed.

To lower the amount of acid in your mouth, you should limit your intake of acidic drinks like carbonated drinks and acidic fruit juices like lemon and grapefruit juice. You should also drink water throughout the day. Cherries and oranges have a high acidity level as well.
Maintaining a healthy diet is also important. In this case, please seek medical advice from your doctor. Foods high in calcium, vitamin B12, and vitamin C will help to keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong.
Of course, when you're pregnant, don't forget to have your regular dental cleaning (during the suggested time below). Plaque will be controlled and gingivitis will be avoided with a professional, thorough cleaning. Plaque removal will help reduce gum inflammation and the chance of getting granulomas, which are tumors that form during pregnancy.

When Should You Visit a Dentist? While dental emergencies (such as uncontrollable pain or bleeding, oral/facial swelling, and cracked teeth) can occur at any time during pregnancy, the safest period to obtain routine dental treatment (cleanings, exams, and so on) is during the second trimester (13–27 weeks).
If you wait until the second trimester, you're less likely to interfere with your baby's organ development in the first trimester, feel uncomfortable pressure on your stomach when you're lying down, or put too much stress on your body, which could cause you to give birth early in the third trimester (weeks 28 to birth).
Here are our suggestions for getting therapy at the most appropriate moment for you and your baby:
Weeks 1–12 of the first trimester are
We don't recommend cleaning or periodontal therapy right now, unless it's an emergency like severe pain, bleeding from the mouth or face, or a broken tooth.
Weeks 13–27 of the second trimester.
Periodontal therapy (tooth cleaning) is the safest way to lower the number of harmful bacteria in your body that can cause gingivitis and other diseases. The second trimester is also the best time to get emergency care and urgent care (treatment to keep dental problems from happening).

The third trimester (weeks 28 to the due date) is when the baby is born.
Cleaning and periodontal treatment are not recommended at this time.

Pexel photo

However, in some circumstances, periodontal therapy may be recommended until week 32 of pregnancy. Dental emergency treatment will be provided for conditions such as acute pain, bleeding oral/facial oedema, or cracked teeth, just as it was during pregnancy.

No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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