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Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Despite hand pain, typing and tapping

Do you find it difficult to use your smartphone or computer because your hands are stiff? If you want to keep utilizing your gadgets, try these tips.

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Thanks to technology, the world is at your fingertips. All it takes is a few taps on a smartphone, a few keystrokes on a keyboard, or a few mouse clicks. That is more difficult to do if you have other health problems, like tendinitis or arthritis, that makes it worse.

"The issue is repetitive finger movement on a keyboard or reaching and stretching your fingers on a mouse. A hand keeps moving, and the other hand keeps holding a phone in the other.

If you have pain or stiffness in your hands that makes it hard to use a computer or smartphone, think about the following steps. Make sure these suggestions are right for you by talking to your doctor.

Distribute the work.

Do you type in a "hunt and peck" fashion? Are you a thumb-only texter? This may result in overuse injuries. Rather than that, divide the task between your fingers and hand. "Change which fingers perform the work. If you're used to using a mouse exclusively with your right hand, try mousing with your left. Alternatively, switch which hand you use to carry your smartphone. "

Take pauses

Sedentary activity: using a computer or smartphone stops you from being active and cuts off the blood flow to your hands, making them stiff and hard to move.

To combat this, schedule breaks in advance of feeling the desire to stop. You've already aggravated your hands by the time they complain. It takes longer to regain control of the pain and stiffness, and you end up needing a longer respite. After 45 minutes of action, take a five-minute break. Stand up, take a drink of water, or perform any other action that significantly alters your position. "

Extend the range of motion in your wrists and hands.

It is critical to have limber wrists and hands. They should be stretched on a regular basis. Begin at your wrists, with your forearms stationary and your fists slowly rotating in circles. Following that, softly open and close your fists, if possible, lengthening your fingers. "Ensure that all of your fingers are aligned and working in unison and that no finger is ahead of or behind others, as is the case with arthritis."

Utilize either heat or cold therapy.

Both heat and cold therapy have their advantages and disadvantages. Heat is a sedative that relaxes the muscles. It's beneficial to do so before typing or using your phone for a lengthy period of time. It helps with stiffness but not with swelling. "Moist heat penetrates the tissues and joints more deeply. You can obtain moist heat by soaking your hands in warm water or by microwaving moist heat mittens. "

Ice is a natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic. "It is very beneficial for tendonitis or inflamed heated joints. It's beneficial if you've been using your hands for an extended period of time. Consider using an ice pack, cold therapy gloves (made with gel packs stored in the freezer), or soaking your hands in freezing water. Keep therapy sessions to a maximum of 20 minutes so that you don't cause your skin to get hurt.

Avoid awkward hand positions.

Pain can be caused by holding or moving your hands in unusual ways. Perhaps you're reaching for the mouse with just your wrist; twisting your wrist while holding your smartphone, or resting your laptop up on your fingers. All of these activities place stress on joints and tiny muscles. "Move your mouse with your larger muscles (such as your entire arm) and keep your fingers free. 

Make use of useful tools.

Utilize some of the following tools to make life easier on your hands and wrists:

"Virtual" assistants or text-to-speech capabilities. The majority of computers and smartphones include tools that enable you to type, text, or perform actions just by speaking out. Are you unsure how to utilize them? Conduct a search on the Internet for how-to videos or ask a family member for help.

Use a good and comfortable mouse that is at ease. "You should be able to manipulate the mouse without grasping it tightly or stretching your fingers out excessively wide. Purchase a larger or smaller mouse to better suit your hand, or experiment with a vertical mouse that keeps your hand in a handshake position.

A stylus with a wide grip. It's comfortable to handle and eliminates the need to tap on a smartphone or tablet.

A holder for your smartphone. "A gooseneck holder provides height and angle adjustment. 

Gel-filled wrist rests. Purchase them to go with your keyboard and mouse.

Purchase a comfortable chair. Ascertain that it provides adequate support and that you sit up straight in it. "The human body is a dynamic network. When one portion of the body is out of alignment, the rest of the body, including your hands, suffers. "

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