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Thursday, September 16, 2021

What parents need to know about sore throat

Children get sore throats all the time — and they are usually nothing to worry about. However, there are situations when parents should be concerned. Parents should be aware of the following information on sore throats.

Signs that a sore throat may be a medical emergency

To begin, here are some instances when a sore throat may indicate a true emergency:

-When your youngster is having difficulty breathing. A painful throat may indicate swelling or obstruction in the respiratory system.

-When your child has difficulty swallowing, particularly if he or she is drooling. This could also be a symptom of potentially serious swelling or obstruction.

-When your child has a persistently high temperature or unusual drowsiness. A temperature of 102° for higher that does not respond to acetaminophen or ibuprofen, as well as significant tiredness, may indicate a serious infection.

-When your child is in excruciating, unremitting pain. That type of agony, wherever it occurs, requires rapid attention.

-If any of these situations occur, you should immediately transport your child to the nearest
emergency room.

The following are some of the most common causes of sore throats in children.

Fortunately, such emergencies are uncommon. Sore throats can be caused by a variety of factors, including the following:

Infections with viruses. If your child also has a runny nose and cough, as well as body aches, a fever, stomach upset, or diarrhoea, it is most likely a viral infection. Numerous viruses, including the one that causes COVID-19, can cause these symptoms. If your kid exhibits any of these symptoms, you should contact your physician to arrange for COVID testing, even if you believe they have not been exposed. Nowadays, even a sore throat can be COVID. If your child has a persistent sore throat that does not resolve with a drink and some form of distraction, consult your doctor.

Allergies. Sore throats frequently accompany allergies, particularly when stuffy noses result in mouth breathing, which results in a dry mouth. It can be difficult to distinguish between allergies and viruses. If the painful throat is mild and is accompanied by a stuffy nose, sneezing, and itching eyes, allergies are likely to be the cause. If you are unsure, consult your physician.

Infections are caused by bacteria, such as strep throat. If there is fever and no runny nose or cough, it is more likely to be a bacterial infection. Occasionally, children with strep throat will also experience a headache, stomachache, and a sandpapery rash, as well as a voice that sounds as if they are biting down on a hot potato.

Inhaled or ingested irritants. A painful throat can be caused by exposure to irritants in the air, such as air pollution, or by eating anything that irritates the throat, such as acids. Keep all potentially dangerous items out of your child's reach. If you believe your youngster has gotten into something, contact your doctor or a Poison Center (800-222-1222).

Gastroesophageal reflux. When stomach acid rises to the throat, it can cause a painful throat. If your child experiences stomachaches and/or heartburn in addition to the sore throat, this could be the explanation. Consult your physician about this.

Keeping sore throats at bay

To aid in the prevention of illnesses that can result in sore throats, it is always prudent to:

-Regularly wash your hands (or use a hand sanitiser if soap and water are unavailable).

-Attempt to avoid touching your face

-Before contacting public surfaces, clean them.

-Make every effort to avoid sick people.
Wearing a mask can make

Photo by Victoria Borodinova from Pexels

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