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Monday, August 30, 2021

5 ways to help your skin stay radiant all the time

The biggest organ in the human body, the skin, is continuously exposed to the environment. What is going on inside us is reflected in our skin. Because the skin is made up of cells that are continually regenerating, you must eat the appropriate nutrients to keep your cells healthy. Use nutritional supplements to add radiance to your skin, especially during the summer. 5 ways to help your skin stay radiant all the time 

All cells require vitamins and minerals to replicate and repair DNA in the case of damage. Keep in mind that you are exposed to solar radiation while outside in the sun. To deal with the damage produced by continuous sun exposure, your cells require proper nutrition. Here are 5 nutritional supplements to help you keep your skin looking beautiful and glowing at all times.

Biotin, often known as vitamin B7, is a water-soluble vitamin that aids in the production of glucose, a sugar that provides energy to cells. It is also in charge of amino acid metabolism and fatty acid synthesis in order to keep the structure of skin cells intact. Dry, flaky skin, redness around the eyes, nose, and mouth, and hair loss are all symptoms of low biotin levels.

Antibiotics and medical conditions might prevent nutrients from being absorbed in the intestines, resulting in biotin deficiency. Biotin levels can be raised with the aid of supplements. A daily dose of 5 mg of biotin can assist restore normal biotin levels by helping your skin cells to generate lipids that protect them from inflammatory damage from the environment.

‌‌‌‌Vitamin C

Another necessary ingredient is vitamin C, which our bodies cannot manufacture on their own. Citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, strawberries, and other berries are all good sources of it. It's a strong antioxidant.

Vitamin C works in the extracellular matrix of the skin, which is mostly made up of collagen. Vitamin C protects the skin from damage produced by the ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight when exposed to it. As you spend more time in the sun, the amount of vitamin C in your skin decreases because it must work harder to defend the skin from the dangerous UV rays.

Vitamin C is also necessary for the synthesis of protein, which is found part of the extracellular matrix as part of collagen. Vitamin C is required for enzymes that stabilize collagen structure, as well as a wide range of proteins that aid in structural maintenance. This vitamin also aids in the production of collagen from genetic material and informs the body that it requires more protein. As a result, when the body lacks vitamin C, it affects a variety of physiological systems.

You can use topical treatments enriched with vitamin C in addition to taking vitamin C pills to help reduce the effects of sun exposure and ageing. Although vitamin C can be found in creams, patches, and serums, active vitamin C can only be found in serums. It is true that when it is exposed to sunshine, it becomes inactive. Serums can have an acidic environment that can be absorbed into the skin, which helps to manage the stability of vitamin C. External usage of vitamin C is best done after sun exposure, not before.


Our skin is protected by sunscreens.
Sunscreens shield the skin from UV radiation, which helps to prevent skin from ageing prematurely. The cream offers physical protection by reflecting and diffusing sunlight, but it also acts as a shield by absorbing light. Zinc-based sunscreens protect against UV radiation. Sunscreens with the finest titanium dioxide particles give UVA and UVB protection while also having a high refractive index. Because they are white, they are less appealing from a cosmetic standpoint.

Sunscreens with antioxidants like vitamin C can help protect against the harmful effects of UV exposure. When shopping for sunscreen, check for a protection factor that indicates how long the cream will last, with SPF-15 or greater is the optimum degree of protection.

Keep your skin safe throughout the warm months so it may remain youthful, healthy, and smooth. Keep in mind that the skin is the body's biggest organ and is made up of several layers. Collagen is the foundation of the skin, and it helps to keep it elastic and smooth by retaining moisture. Consider your skin cells, which require robust cell membranes and necessary fatty acids to satisfy that need.

Vitamins like biotin and vitamin C can help to boost antioxidant levels and protect the skin from UV damage. Finally, applying an SPF-15 or higher sunscreen will protect your skin from UV damage, allowing it to remain beautiful and healthy. Above all, remember that the best thing you can do for your skin is eat a nutritious, antioxidant-rich diet and drink enough water. For years to come, you will be grateful and happy you did.

Omega fatty acids
Essential fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that the body does not produce. People must obtain these chemicals through diet. Fatty acids have a vital role in keeping cells functional, but they also assist form the structure of cells in the skin, since they are the building blocks of cell membranes and organelles.

Essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 aid in the regulation of the inflammatory response to sun exposure. Frequent inflammation has been shown to cause accelerated ageing, especially when UV rays are present since UV radiation activates a signalling cascade that increases inflammation. Essential fatty acids increase cell protection by interrupting the signalling cascade and reducing UV damage while also preserving skin structure and moisture.

Low amounts of essential fatty acids in the body cause the skin to overproduce cells, resulting in increased itching, redness, and roughness. Fish oil, flaxseed oil, eggs, and walnuts are all rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. You can apply fatty acids to the surface of your skin in addition to eating them.

‌‌‌‌Collagen proteins

Collagen is the most common protein in the body, and it is responsible for holding our cells together. It aids the body's adaptation to stress and climate change that we all encounter on a daily basis. Collagen is the basis of our skin, but its amount in the body diminishes with age, stress, poor diet, and negative environmental impacts, as well as radiation from the sun. The extracellular matrix, commonly known as the skin's structure, maintains the skin in place and keeps it tight, firm, and smooth.

The content in young and healthy skin is around 75%, and it steadily declines as we age. Sunlight, smoking, pollution, a lack of antioxidants in the diet, and excessive alcohol intake can all contribute to a faster loss of skin elasticity, firmness, and stability of the collagen substrate, resulting in fine lines and wrinkles.

Serums, creams, and lotions applied to the surface of the skin do not permeate into the deeper layers of the skin. 72 healthy women were randomly allocated either a placebo or collagen peptide supplement for 12 weeks, followed by a 4-week control phase, according to research published in the Journal of Nutrients by Bolke et al. Collagen peptides combined with antioxidants including vitamin C, zinc, and biotin enhanced skin hydration, elasticity, smoothness, and firmness in women. The look of women's skin remained nearly unaltered four weeks after they stopped using dietary supplements.

As a result, consuming collagen allows you to have a beneficial impact on the extracellular matrix, increasing the skin's moisture, smoothness, and elasticity. Although the quantity of collagen proteins you eat is determined by your food, the research suggests consuming 2 to 15 grams of collagen supplements to improve your skin's look.

Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels
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