Hope your year is going well so far! Wishing you a wonderful January and an even better year ahead!

Lifestyle Blogger

Monday, September 14, 2020

My Favorite Way To Wear Overalls in Autumn

Who else feels like a celebrity for a minute when you are well dressed and you are crossing the zebra crossing. When the cars stop and you use your side eyes to notice that they are all looking at how beautiful look. That feeling always gets me. I know it's so vain, but I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way sometimes.

I am slowly missing summer already. It is getting colder and a pullover is now essential.
Here are my outfit details.
Overall: Zaful
Tee shirt: Cropp
Sunglasses: Giant Vintage
Shoes: Jessica Buurman.
Fanny pack



  1. Dude these overalls look so good on you! I can absolutely see why you style them with so many good outfits, they always look great!

  2. You look so cute!
    xx- Nina

  3. You look great in overalls,
    and love your sneakers.


  4. Amazing look and super cool. Your sneaker is really hot.



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