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Lifestyle Blogger

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

JOIN THE PROTEST: Aren't you tired of hearing about this?

Say no to rape

From the assassination of Tina, a 16-year-old Nigerian girl, to the murder and assault of Uwa, a student at Benin State University, to the deliberate murder of George Floyd, an American citizen, the world makes me sick. I keep seeing protests from many places in response to terrible killings. I'm in anguish, my heart bleeds, and I have nightmares about people demonstrating. I read sorrowful words everyday, people are bitter and I see lots of tears and agony on the media. 

Uwa, who went to church and was violated, perished in a place she would have termed a safe place, while George Floyd, who was reportedly implicated, was killed by a police officer who is a core racist and definitely had him as a target. I can't help but scream in my brain; it's far too much; how much longer will this last?

Just in case you will like to be a part of the movement and protest peacefully online, you can help sign the petitions. 

Use these hashtags on Twitter and Instagram: You can copy and paste them
#Georgefloyd #wecanrbreathe #JusticeforTina #JusticeforUwa #WeAreTired #justiceforjennifer #Blacklivesmatter #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd

Sign the Petition: We Can Make An Impact
569 signatures are still needed, we can help by signing this petition for Uwa.

For George Floyd

Justice for Uwa

Justice for Tina

Stop rape culture



  1. I did not know about those 2 other murders. Thank you for sharing. I'm disgusted in this world.

    Effortlessly Sophisticated

  2. This is a truly heartbreaking time in this world, and it is sickening. I was unaware of the others you mentioned besides George Floyd - those are absolutely horrific.

    Make Life Marvelous

  3. Thanks for spreading the word. We have to be the change that we want to see.


  4. Melody, my heart has been breaking on a daily basis recently. Thank you so much for sharing this important message. We need to do better. We all need to do better. And I hear you and I see you and I support you!


    1. It is so sad, I hope justice get served for all of them.

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