
Knee high boots are probably single-handedly representing all things fashion in winter and fall. I can’t think of anything else that is good about these cold months. Anyway, these are not only just good looking but quiet comfortable too and that’s why these started on the runway and pushed their boundaries to become a shoe wardrobe staple. Almost every own a pair of leather knee high boots but there are some really look better and makes your fashion game more of a statement regardless that the leather knee high boots comes in different color but most of them maintain almost them same style.
I want us all, as we read this post to take a minute of silence for everyone one that has passed away due to hunger or starvation, starting from soldiers to the less privileged and so forth. Sometimes we underestimate what we have and forget to appreciate and realize how God has blessed us. 

A day before yesterday being thursday, I refused to eat all day. I didn't sleep so well at night and I wasn't feeling hungry, my monthly flow was on and it made me really uncomfortable and I kept frequenting the toilet. I woke up, did the necessary, started working on my website, writing posts  and replying emails. I already planned with my friend with whom I traveled with on visiting the karaoke hall to catch some fun. I took my bath, I started dressing up and I could hardly lift my body cream, I struggled through the process. I wore a pantyhose, it felt really uncomfortable I removed it and decided to wear jeans and sweater. I managed to dress up, then we got out of the house and I was really struggling to walk and keep up with the slow steps my friend was taking. We were walking to the restaurant to eat before going to the karaoke hall. I had to tell my friend to stop and I slowly walked into the pharmacy close by, they saw my state and quickly gave me a chair to sit down. I sat down and asked them for glucose  and water which was given to me immediately. I sat for some minutes and got little energy and worked to the restaurant where I had soup and mashed potatoes which I had to force myself to eat. I felt better in less than 5 mins after eating.

Generally, our body needs food to function, food converted to energy and used to fuel the body. Our bodies digest the food we eat by mixing it with fluids (acids and enzymes) in the stomach. When the stomach digests food, the carbohydrate (sugars and starches) in the food breaks down into another type of sugar, called glucose. The stomach and small intestines absorb the glucose and then release it into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, glucose can be used immediately for energy or stored in our bodies, to be used later.
Over the years, commenting system has been a very big challenge to bloggers, I have migrated from blogger to google plus commenting system. I had an issue with my blog commenting system and invited someone to solve the issue and she wiped off all the comments from the previous years and never replied my emails anymore. I kept using google plus and just realized how I have been missing out. Google plus commenting system is not flexible and I will totally recommend that if you open a blog, it is better to use the commenting system that comes with the blog. I know that we all want something fanciful and more interactive like disqus and google plus but I strongly will recommend using what ever commenting system your blog provider comes with.
I decided to migrate from google plus back to the normal blogger commenting system and I must say it really hurts seeing that all your lovely comments will no more be visible.

Blogging is a journey and it comes with a lot of sacrifices and discipline to always do what is best for your blog. So, my little advice to any new blogger, is read about commenting systems before you embark on this journey.
I joined the google forum for question and answer
What is the best commenting system?

Hi Melody,
Thanks for sharing your question today - and welcome to the Blogger Support forums.

Both Blogger and Google+ comments have their advantages. Blogger Comments allow you more flexibility, in that you can allow anonymous comments - and you can moderate comments from your dashboard. Google+ comments let you combine your Blogger and Google+ activity - and let you free yourself from moderation. Google+ comments are moderated by the community - and require a Google+ account, for participation meaning if a reader doesn't have a google plus account he/she can not comment on your blog.
Its one year already and Seoras.gr is excited to hold a Giveaway to mark the One year of original successful handbag and accessories production. 

The rules are simple and easy.
2. Tag two friends on Instagram on @seorasbags page. 
3. Like the photo
4. Share this article on facebook
Participation accepted till 26/10/2018 12:00 p.m. CET.

It is pretty, the giveaway ends soon. Goodluck to you all.
Wondering if I have my Searos bag, yes I do and it is of the great quality, style and usage. View here.
Visit  Seoras for more.

Do you enjoy wearing blazers? I have read a lot of blogs and articles written by bloggers saying they are addicted to purchasing blazers. The good part of it is that blazers never goes out of style, they will always remain very functional and stylish.
No content on this site, regardless of date, should be used to replace direct medical advice from your doctor or another trained practitioner.
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