Hope your year is going well so far! Wishing you a wonderful January and an even better year ahead!

Lifestyle Blogger

    Hi everyone, hope you all are doing great? and happy hallowen loves. My week was not really nice.. but all thanks to GOD. I really thank everyone for their comments and also for following my blog, i love you so much and i do appreciate.Today  You will be meeting some of my very cute friends, we study together too. also today am wearing a simple outfit a white pant, blue top, purple jacket and a dark brown boot. actually i wasn't really prepared for this shoot, was a bad hair day and was also a very stressful day, this pictures were taken in front of Kharkov palace hostel which is opposite my university.. anyways the week is all over.wish you all a wonderful weekend and a Sunday filled with blessings.


JACKET incity  (here) SIMILAR (here),(here)
 TOP:  mohito (here) SIMILAR (here)(here)(here)
PANTS up star
BOOTS centro (here) (here)(here), and (here)
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