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Friday, March 17, 2023

18 Spring Nail Ideas 2023 By Sandragiera

I always look forward to the beginning of a new season, and I cannot wait for spring to arrive. I'm feeling considerably more hopeful now that the days are gradually growing longer, and I'm eager to put away my winter manicure colors and welcome the spring nail trends. After all, is there anything that brings more joy than getting your nails done in the appropriate season?

It only makes sense that brighter manicure colors, attractive floral nail art, and a lot of experimenting with different textures and finishes would be popular for the spring season. But what kinds of spring nail trends might we expect to see on our feeds in the year 2023?

We have compiled 18 spring nail designs by Sandra Giera so that we can find out which spring nail trends everyone will be making appointments for.



  1. Oh WOW these are all FIRE!! I so need a good mani I may try KISS nails they have some fun styles.

    Allie of

  2. Oh, I love these designs and makes me want pretty nails! Working in healthcare, we can't have our nails painted or anything, so have to wait until I have annual leave! Lovely post :)
    Aimsy xoxo

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