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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Your Business Needs a Franking Machine and Here's Why

Franking equipment is one of the business's best-kept secrets for cutting costs. You should be aware that you can automate the procedure if your business sends out mail in order to save a lot of money. Here, we'll outline some of the benefits these machines can offer so that you can see what these things are all about.


What Are These Machines?

A franking machine is used to expedite the mailing process. Instead of needing to go to a post office, wait in line, and weigh your letter, you may use a franking machine to add postage, drop your mail at your local post box, or have it collected.

You may skip standing in line at the post office to buy stamps with the assistance of these devices. You'll quit rummaging through cabinets and drawers to find the stamps you just bought last week. No more missed deliveries due to stamp shortages.

They Save You Money

How can franking machines save money or whether it is worthwhile to purchase one may be a question you have if you already own one or are considering purchasing one. Franking machines, as seen at FP Mailing Solutions, have been around for a while, and anyone who has used one will attest to how much easier and less expensive it is to send mail with one. They are continually improved by the technology that powers them, which enables you to save more money and streamline business operations. You will save more money on postage the more items you send through these machines; whether you send one shipment or ten, the lower pricing is maintained.

Great Marketing Tool

Sending franked mail presents a very polished and refined image of your company. Additionally, the ink stamp may be personalized and customized to reflect the corporate identity of your organization and include your brand logo.

If you want to advertise something, like your most recent special offers and discounts, the stamp can also include messages. Because of this, employing a franking machine offers many wonderful marketing advantages for your company.

Improved Efficiency

When repeated operations are automated, machines perform them considerably more effectively than people. In addition to saving your important human personnel time and effort, using a franking machine will ensure that postage markings are applied uniformly every day.

Staff now have more time to think critically and participate in company growth activities like networking, sales calls, and customer service since they don't have to look forward to the tedious process of stamping several envelopes each day. The automation of machines will unavoidably result in more focused brainpower for your company as a whole.


Every franking machine has a weighing scale. In some cases, the franking machines even feature scales that weigh your mail as it is processed. All you need to do is add a piece of mail, press start, and the machine will measure, determine the envelope's size, and calculate the exact price all at once and quickly. Any form of scale will correctly compute and communicate the price for every piece of mail you send, eliminating any chance of over- or under-stamping.


The most secure method of sending your mail through Royal Mail is by using a franking machine. Stamp books won't be left lying around the office anymore. Additionally, you may safely re-credit your machine via the Internet at any time. Additionally, your franking machine may be secured by pin codes, limiting who has access to download money to it to authorized workers. Many franking machines include thorough reports that let you monitor monthly franking machine spending or allocate expenditures to other corporate divisions.



The use of a franking machine is quite practical. To calculate the weight, price, and discount, simply set the item on the postal scale. The machine will either frank your mail automatically or create a franked label that you may attach to the piece of mail. With these machines, you can avoid tiresome Post Office journeys, as well as individual item website uploads. Royal Mail offers collections as well, providing you with a comprehensive and practical mailing option.

Having a franking machine allows your business to reap the benefits of discounted rates that are less expensive than using stamps if it frequently sends hundreds of mail or packages per week or more. You should evaluate how much time your team spends manually calculating postage prices each day before determining if it is cost-effective for your specific firm to purchase a franking machine. We hope this post was helpful in outlining all the advantages this technology could have for your company.

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