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Lifestyle Blogger

Friday, July 23, 2021

Double your google AdSense income with these few tips

 As a blogger, I have learnt to be very patient and grow as organic as I can because there is a great reward in growing organically. I remember starting my blog and being really confused about what to do and how to do it. I learnt in the process and I am super proud of being able ti fix a lot and teach about blogging. Productive blogging needs time and research. Knowing your craft is important because it helps you grow, it is not just about showing beautiful dresses and reviews, if you want to make money from blogging then you need to put in some time to read about keywords, most searched words, write according to season, copywriter, let your content pass the right information, easy to read and navigate, be consistent and share your articles.

Of all, I have mentioned two can work the magic, search for most searched things on google, what problems are people trying to solve with a bit of twist in your own unique words put out a comprehensive article about that with a catchy title.

Making money as a blogger from traffic is more of putting out the right content. When you put out the right content your traffic grows and the income you make from your blog grows. I use Google Adsense and I monitor high traffic days and capitalize on that. Know what article got more traffic and understand how to go about creating another article with such productivity and you will make money. 

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