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Lifestyle Blogger

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Going on a date : Dress code and tips for ladies :www.newchic.com

I know very well that this might seem really weird and half of you might not agree with this but I will tell you why I advise you dress similar to a date. Whether you are meeting the person for the 1st time or you have known this person I advice you dress really covered going on a date. 
Generally, I hate to pass the wrong information, in recent times it is every easy to pass the wrong information and taken for what you are not. No one is asking you not to look good or do you, but at the same time it is very advisable to stay well put together.

First impressions matters, and so do second,third and so on, will always matter and play an important role in very step. There is nothing more attractive than a woman who is sorted, plans, and shows up on time. And, that’s why this tops the list. Yes, we all know that for the ladies a lot more goes into our dressing than men’s, but that’s no excuse to turn up late! There’s not a thumb rule here, give or take five minutes is acceptable. Anything longer would only make you seem careless. If it’s unavoidable, let your date know. That’s the least one can expect.
1.You must not wear a dress if the occasion or location can permit a casual look. 
2. Do not expose your body or any sexual parts.
3. Neutral colors, let the attention be more on the conversion, not your look.
5. No much statement piece, be simple, let people love you for who you are, no need to impress any one.
6. Light makeup will do, I personally will not advice you wearing too much makeup.
7. Aim for a classy look not a sexy look.
8. Every piece you wear should be very comfortable most especially your shoes.
9. If you really have to play with colors a mix a plain and printed pattern will do.
10. Be in the middle, if you are wearing a distressed jeans then your top should go classy, don't go to0 crazy on those jeans.
Smelling pleasant is an essential part of dressing up for both men and women. Go with something sweet, refreshing, and long-lasting. Not over the top to a point where you’re practically suffocating the other person.
Bag : Jessicabuurman.
Heels : Jessicabuurman.
Jeans: Shein.com
Shirt : Sammydress.
Black Crochet Long Sleeve Patchwork Pullover Sweaters.



  1. I totally agree.I would definitely dress like this even to a first date especially if it's happening after work.I hate being mistaken for something I'm not or sending the wrong signals to someone I'm seeing for the first time.I like the look.By the way, I gave you a shout out in my latest post.Would love to have you check it out and feel free to share it on any of your platforms but just saying I love how you wear suits.

    1. In recent times, fashion has advanced so much and it is very easy for one to be taken for what he/she is not. Sending the wrong signal is very dangerous and might lead to something we have no idea about because our intentions might be different but sure our dressing speaks so loud. Thank you for the feature, I am super pleased.

  2. Love your heels ;)


  3. Thank you for the tips. Loving the pullover sweater.

  4. I agree about dressing in a way that is true to yourself on a first date. It's part of getting to know each other.

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style


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