Hope your year is going well so far! Wishing you a wonderful January and an even better year ahead!

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People are still motivated by quotes, no matter how overused they are. The deal is that if one person is positively influenced by a quote, the task is completed. The media has been swamped with inspiring words that few people follow or benefit from since everyone is flaunting their woke attitude without regard for whether or not it is having an impact.

Many a trip continues long after movement in time and space have ceased. 
John Steinbeck
John Steinbeck

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
Charles R. Swindoll
Charles R. Swindoll
*We shine brighter when we heal

Life is a process that we all go through, it comes in stages, and with every stage different challenges. The art of loving the pain is focused on daily living as humans, the readiness to accept pain, the ability to take a risk, how we handle rejections and disappointments, what we make out of it, and how we raise despite the ache. 
The art of loving the pain are homegrown quotes by Mahn Singh of Imann Poetry in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Many storms have passed; this shall pass too.

1.There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed."

-- Ray Goforth

2.It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation."

-- Herman Melville

3.Determination, hard work, courage, faith, h, and wisdom are primary principles to success

-- Chukwu precious

4.The road to success and the road to failure are almost the same."

-- Colin R. Davis

5.Opportunities don't happen. You create them."

-- Chris Grosser

6.Success is not by luck but by hard work

-- Chukwu precious

7.Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don't wish it were easier; wish you were better.

-- Jim Rohn

8.Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.

-- Tony Hsieh

9.Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.

-- Winston Churchill

10.Failure is a key to success, without failure there is no success, you say it is the enemy, but it is not. You either decide to succeed with failure or fail with failure.

-- Chukwu precious

11.If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.

-- Jim Rohn

12.I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite."

-- G. K. Chesterton

13.All progress takes place outside the comfort zone."

-- Michael John Bobak

14.People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy."

-- Tony Robbins

Inspirational Quotes

I like to pin quotes on Pinterest. I found some inspiring quotes on Instagram and Pinterest. Follow my Pinterest for more beautiful content compilation. Quotes are amazing words that can give us a new insight towards a better or nee beginning. 


Quote 1: When you walk in dark foggy road, don't stop keeping walking you will find your destination.

Quote 2: Elegance is not what you wear but what you carry.

Quote 3: Never let your dignity bow in front of the ignorance, the only important is being is you. It's not selfish but called "self love."

Quote 4: When you feel broken and lost, all you need is that last hope all will be fine.

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