Hope your year is going well so far! Wishing you a wonderful January and an even better year ahead!

Lifestyle Blogger

Friday, December 20, 2024

One Blogging Mistake That Is Reducing Your Traffic (And How to Fix It Now)

Many bloggers struggle to drive traffic to their blogs, and one common mistake I've noticed while visiting many new blogs through their Google profiles is leaving outdated links on their profiles. Ever since Google shut down Google+, which I consider one of Google's biggest missteps, this issue has become more common. Google+ was a fantastic platform for connecting bloggers, sharing blog posts, and resolving blogging challenges, thanks to the wealth of information shared there. Now, without Google+, you can no longer view a blogger's profile directly without clicking on their Google account or visiting their blog URL. Unfortunately, many bloggers still have outdated, nonfunctional blogs linked to their profiles, leading to an increase in bounce rate.

What is Bounce Rate?

I’ve explained this in a previous post, but here’s a quick recap: bounce rate refers to the percentage of single-page visits on your website, where a visitor leaves without interacting further. It’s calculated by dividing the number of single-page visits by the total visits and then representing that as a percentage. A high bounce rate often indicates that visitors are not engaging with your content.

The Problem

When a visitor clicks on your Google profile and finds multiple links, they might accidentally click on one of your outdated blogs. When they realize the blog is inactive, they often close your profile altogether, without checking other links. Even if they do go back and click on an active link, their initial disappointment may lead to spending less time reading your content, which can still contribute to a higher bounce rate.

How to Fix This Issue

1. Remove Non-Functional Links From Your Google Profile

Go through your Google profile and remove links to old or inactive blogs. Only leave links to blogs that are active and regularly updated.

2. Prioritize Updated Blogs

If you manage multiple blogs, make sure the most frequently updated blog appears as the first link on your profile.

3. Include Post Dates

Display the date on each of your blog posts. This helps visitors see that your blog is active and that the content is current.

4. Craft Engaging Headlines

Create headlines that grab attention and entice readers to click. Your opening sentence should be intriguing, the main answers or key points should be in the middle of the post, and your conclusion should tie everything together effectively.

5. Solve problems

Whether it's business blogging, fashion, travel, food, religious, or comedy blogging, content creation, or anything else, it's always a pleasure to share those wonderful photos, ideas, and experiences with readers. But do you know what's even more helpful? Using your content to solve problems. What do I mean by this? For instance, if you are a travel blogger who shares beautiful photos, consider sharing information with your readers about the route you took, the website you used to book your flight, the best café to eat in that city, or any other experience you have that could help another person enjoy their journey at that location and ease stress. 

I remember perusing a blog post by a blogger who visited the Maldives. Despite the abundance of sunny summer photos on the internet, I never considered the possibility of more rainy days on this archipelago island. However, after reading that blog, I discovered that the Maldives experience more wet season months than dry season months. This means that visiting during the dry season is better, as it enables you to explore the city, enjoy the beach, and enhance your overall holiday experience.

The post was packed with lots of information that anyone who is traveling to the Maldives for the first time needs to read. It is a complete ready-to-travel-to-Maldives guide, which I love so much, and the way it was shared felt organic and from a personal point of view. These types of posts not only rank higher but also consistently drive traffic to the blog over time. It remains relevant as long as it solves problems.

If you share reviews, make sure they are sincere (I will write more about this) and avoid plagiarism in the process. It is preferable to have a post with numerous mistakes that is organically written rather than one that is perfectly written by AI, as the algorithm can distinguish between the two. Additionally, using AI-generated content diminishes your creativity and increases your dependence on these tools. The human brain is capable of describing any scenario or giving any detail better than AI; the more you use your brain, the better it becomes.

While you are at this, be sure to not put so much pressure on yourself. Organic traffic takes a positive process and is always the best way to grow your blog.

I hope these tips help! If you have any additional suggestions, feel free to share them in the comments below.


  1. These are very valuable tips. Many bloggers neglect to update the links.


    1. Thank you, Sabine! It's true—updating links is often overlooked but so important. xoxo!

  2. Thank you. I am grateful to the people who visit my blog and try to always return the favour. I get more look sees than comments but I am fine with that.

    1. You're very welcome! It's great that you appreciate your visitors—sometimes the views mean just as much!

  3. I agree with you, the Google+ was a great platform. Thank you for your good tips about blogging!

    1. You're welcome! Google+ really was a great platform. Glad you found the tips helpful.

  4. Olá, querida amiga Melody!
    Eu só quero capas dos meus livros da IA.
    No mais, gosto mesmo de criar, de interagir por mim, sem rabiscar e me fazer de intelectual além da medida só para aparecer.
    Gostei de tudo que escreveu e não tenho outras sugestões além das suas.
    Muito obrigada pelas que partilhou.
    Tenha uma quadra nsyalija abençoada!

    1. Hello! Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad you liked the post! Wishing you continued creativity and inspiration. Have a blessed day! Kisses!

  5. Grazie per questa guida, che ho trovato molto utile !!! Saluti e auguri di buone feste !!!

    1. You're welcome! I'm so glad you found it useful! Happy holidays to you too.

  6. ...Blogger is one mistake after another!

  7. These are some good tips! There are a few blogs that I visit that have a google sign in that never works for me, so I always feel bad I cannot leave a comment even though I visit their website.

    1. Glad you found the tips helpful! I totally understand, it’s frustrating when sign-ins don’t work. Hopefully, they’ll fix it soon!.

  8. Thank you very much for your kind instructions and advices, dear Melody. I think that all of them are important.
    My best wishes, my friend.

    1. You're very welcome! I'm so glad you found the advice helpful. Thank you for your kind words!

  9. I am going to copy this - just to try to update things. I am computer illiterate. LOL
    My place now - I just want to take it easy - I have been doing it 20 years - I tried to get it bigger - now I am okay with friends like you. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

    1. You're doing great, and it's wonderful that you've found a pace that works for you! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and lots of joy in the new year!

  10. The loss of Google+ really was a shame, wasn't it??

    1. Absolutely, it was such a great platform for connecting and sharing! It’s definitely missed.

  11. Great very interesting post. Shame that google+ is no longer working because it really was a great platform.

    1. Thank you! I agree, Google+ was such a great platform—it's definitely missed.

  12. Consigli utilissimi, molto graditi e apprezzati.
    Buon fine settimana e un saluto

    1. Thank you so much. I'm glad you found it helpful. Wishing you a wonderful weekend and sending greetings your way.

  13. Very helpful tips!

  14. Thank you! I have tried to visit people and gotten frustrated by the dead links!

    1. Thank you! I totally understand how frustrating that can be—dead links are such a challenge!

  15. Interesting and very informative post.
    Thanks for the tips.
    I wish you and all your loved ones a peaceful Holidays 🎄💝and a New Year 🎉 🥳, full of everything good.
    Best wishes from Maria

    1. Thank you, Maria! Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful holiday season and a New Year full of happiness and blessings. Best wishes!

  16. very valuable advice, thank you, all of this should be taken into account. But when someone writes just for fun, so in a personal diary, then traffic and ranking don't matter at all. but I have to admit, it makes me happy when I find comments. and your comment is one of the nicest I've received these days. thank you.
    on the eve of the holidays, I wish you only joy, peace and love, health and luck! merry christmas!

    1. Thank you for your lovely words! I completely agree—writing for fun has its own joy, and comments are always a delightful bonus. Wishing you endless joy, peace, love, health, and happiness this holiday season. Merry Christmas!

  17. Fantastic information and advice, Melody. Thanks! Have a Merry Christmas!

  18. Wise advices in this post.
    Thank you for your effort in explaining important details that sometimes some (many?) bloggers forget.
    Have a great weekend. And Merry Christmas.
    Friendly greetings.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful comment! Wishing you a fantastic weekend and a very Merry Christmas. Friendly greetings to you too!

  19. Melody very, very interesting post!!!!!!! I thank you for this post!!!!!!!
    I salute you and I wish you a good weekend!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and enthusiasm! Wishing you a wonderful weekend too!

  20. Very useful information.
    And a lot of truth in it.
    These tips are worth following.

  21. Gracias por los consejos. Te deseo una feliz navidad para ti y tu familia. Te mando un beso.

  22. Thanks for sharing this information.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  23. This is an excellent post, Melody. Lots of very good information here and you present it so well.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m glad you found the information helpful.

  24. Thank you, dear Melody! It's a helpful post for all bloggers!

  25. This is really helpful information! I hope you have a lovely weekend!

  26. These tips are really helpful.
    Many bloggers forget to update their links and some links are even misspelled!
    For example , blogsopt instead of blogspot.

    1. I’m glad you found the tips helpful! You’re absolutely right—small mistakes like misspelled links can cause big issues. Thanks for pointing that out!

  27. Very useful information melody...
    I think blog is mostly used by people above 45 years.. and people who like to share original content. Sadly the yonger generation do not use it...

    1. Thank you! You make an interesting point—blogs do seem to attract those who enjoy sharing original content. While younger generations may favor social media, blogging still has its unique charm!

  28. What a wonderful blog you have, filled with positive thinking and warmth 🌺
    not to mention a problem solving attitude! I'm all for it!

    1. Thank you so much for the lovely compliment! I’m so glad you enjoy the blog. Your kind words mean a lot!

  29. Muchas gracias por estos buenos consejos.
    Eres muy lista y generosa.

    Felices Fiestas y un buen 2025 para ti.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m glad the advice was helpful. Wishing you a joyful holiday season and an amazing 2025 ahead!

  30. Muito grato pelos conselhos e ​​instruções. Na informática de Comunicação, eu me considero um zero. O meu Blogue foi-me criado por uma Amiga, para que pudesse preservar os Poemas da minha Vida que se iam perdendo. Prefiro usar a minha inteligência física com sentimento que IA com a sua articialidade.
    Querida Melody,
    os meus Votos sinceros de um Santo Natal, pleno de vida e Paz.

    SOL da Esteva

    1. Thank you so much for your heartfelt message. I truly appreciate your perspective and the personal touch you bring to your blog. Wishing you a peaceful and joyful Christmas, filled with love and beautiful moments.

  31. Thanks for the valuable tips! I realized that I was not including the blog publish date. Now added.

    1. You're very welcome! I'm glad the tips were helpful. Adding the publish date is a great idea—it's such an important detail. Best of luck with your blog!

  32. Agradeço muito suas pistas de actuação.

    Alegre quadra de Festas e excelente 2025.~

    Abraço grande.

    1. I'm glad you found the acting tips helpful. Wishing you a joyful festive season and an amazing 2025 ahead! Big hug right back at you.

  33. Great insights on the importance of keeping profiles updated and solving problems through content! 💡 It's so true that providing value helps build a loyal readership. Thanks for these helpful tips!

    1. I'm so glad you found the insights helpful. You're absolutely right, offering value is key to building a loyal audience. Thanks for your thoughtful comment!

  34. Querida amiga, gracias por tus consejos.

    ............♥♥.... ♥♥… Besitos para Ti
    ......... ♥..... ♥.....♥…Querida Amiga
    .......... ♥.....♥....♥… te dejo todo mi
    ............. ♥.....♥ ..cariño…se feliz!!!
    ................. ♥..que Dios te bendiga♥
    Te deseo con todo mi corazon una Feliz Navidad
    ...................♥♥Feliz Año Nuevoi♥♥...............

  35. Boa tarde de sábado, com muita paz e saúde. Suas dicas são maravilhosas, infelizmente tenho muitos Blogger (fantasmas) e que não existem mais na lista de Blogger que eu sigo. Acho que muitos desistiram e migraram para outras redes sociais.
    Meu Instagram


    Caso, você queira me seguir e acompanhar por lá. Boas festas. Grande abraço carioca.

    1. It’s true that many bloggers have moved to other platforms, but the beauty of blogging is that it’s still a great way to connect on a deeper level. Hopefully, you’ll find new, passionate voices to follow! Wishing you peace and good health.

  36. I can say I am not very computer savvy, I am lucky that I even figured out how to have a blog, there are a lot of things I would like to do and change but just can't figure it out, thanks for sharing.

    1. I totally understand! It’s great that you’ve set up your blog, and it’s okay to take things one step at a time. Feel free to reach out if you ever need more tips—I’m happy to help!

  37. ♥️¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´♥️♥️.¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    Muchas felicidades estimada, que el amor de Dios llene tu corazón en esperanza y paz , y en alegrías junto a los tuyos, que es lo más grande que tenemos en nuestro alrededor, muchas bendiciones!
    ┊┊┊ ◢▇▇▇▇▇◣┊┊┊
    ┊ ◢▇▇▇▇▇▇▇◣┊
    ┊┊┊┊┊┊ ▉┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊
    *´•¸.•´*¨`*•• ☆ ••*`¨*`•.¸•´*
    ┊┊┊☆ MERRY☆┊┊┊
    *´•¸.•´*¨`*•• ☆ ••*`¨*`•.¸•´*

  38. Ja też żałuję, że zlikwidowano Google+. Warto więc zadbać o swoje linki.

    1. I completely agree! It’s unfortunate that Google+ is gone, but taking care of our links is a great way to keep our blogs strong and accessible. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  39. This is useful information, Melody, thank you so much for sharing your tips! xxx

  40. Really good tips. There are several blog profiles that I've seen that have several outdated blog links.

    1. Regularly updating them is a simple way to keep your blog fresh and useful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  41. Thanks for the info a very bit of valuable information. I have just updated my links, thank you. Happy Christmas, Diane

    1. You're very welcome, Diane! I’m so glad the information helped. Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with joy and warmth!

  42. Interesante articulo yo tengo como habrás visto una lista de los blog que sigo con la idea de que salgan primero los mas reciente de publicar. Pero en un error en un día lo quite y al intentar colocar de nuevo no se ve como deseo.


    1. It can be frustrating when things don’t work as expected. If you’re having trouble with the order of posts, it might be worth checking your blog’s settings or template for the display options. Hopefully, you can get it back to the way you want soon.

  43. I enjoyed reading your great tips Melody. Thank you very much! Wishing you A Merry Christmas and A Very Happy New Year!

    1. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with joy and blessings.

  44. Great post and very valuable tips. I wish You a Merry Christmas:)

    1. Thank you so much! I’m glad you found the tips valuable. Wishing you a Merry Christmas as well!

  45. Ah you are such a pro, dear! And yes, I do miss the Google+ days...

    1. I completely understand—Google+ had its own unique vibe. It’s always nice to look back on those days.

  46. ❄️🎄❄️Dear Melody! Thank you for the interesting blogging tips! I came to wish you and your loved ones lots of health, love, joy and happiness for this beautiful Christmas and the upcoming New Year - 2025! May happiness be with you and may joy give you strength! Hugs and lots of warmth!❄️🎄❄️

    1. Wishing you and your loved ones health, love, joy, and happiness this Christmas and in the New Year. May 2025 bring you endless joy and strength. Hugs and warmth to you as well.

  47. Thank you Melody for stopping by to say hello and wish me Happy Holidays, a wish that I also repay for you.
    I hope that next year will find us sharing knowledge through this virtual friendship.

    1. Thank you so much! I truly appreciate your kind words. I look forward to continuing our virtual friendship and sharing knowledge in the year ahead. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a bright 2025.

  48. Muito interessante e útil publicação.

    Boas Festas Natalícias e um óptimo Novo Ano!

  49. Thank you. This is so helpful.

  50. Melody, my Friend!!!
    On the occasion of these special, special days I wish you all the best! I wish you health, happiness, joy, fulfillment of dreams, many moments spent with loved ones and the Blessings of the Newborn Lord Jesus in every day of the New 2025 Year!!!

    1. I’m truly touched. Wishing you all the best as well—health, happiness, joy, and the fulfillment of all your dreams in 2025. May the blessings of the Newborn Lord Jesus fill your heart and home with peace and love. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  51. Dicas muito interessantes aqui nos deixas amiga Melody.
    Por acaso, não tenho tido problemas no meu blogue. Apenas post poesia.
    Aproveito para desejar um Feliz Natal com tudo de bom.

    Mário Margaride


    1. Thank you so much! I’m glad you found the tips interesting. It’s wonderful that your blog is going smoothly, especially with your beautiful poetry. Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with joy and all the best in the New Year.

  52. I congratulate you with all my heart on this bright holiday - Merry Christmas! I wish that only love lives in your heart, and that your soul is filled with light, warmth and sincerity. Be more tolerant of each other and do selflessly good deeds. May God protect you and your home!

    1. Thank you so much for your beautiful words! Wishing you a Merry Christmas as well, filled with love, light, and peace. May your heart always be full of warmth and kindness. Take care, and may the New Year bring you many blessings.

  53. Há uma ameaça no ar,
    Um sonho a acalentar.
    Haja paz no universo,
    Vamos viver o reverso.

    Feliz e abençoado Natal do Menino Deus, querida amiga Melody!
    Beijinhos festivos

  54. Thanks Melody, I am going to check it out immediately! Merry Christmas to you!

    1. Merry Christmas to you too, and wishing you a wonderful holiday season.

  55. Olá, amiga Melody, muito interessante sua matéria e
    agradeço muito! Vou fazer umas revisões no meu nas minhas postagens.
    Deixo aqui meus votos de um Feliz Natal para você e sua família, e muita paz, saúde e harmonia para o Novo Ano, que esse seja de mais paz nesse Mundo tão sofrido.
    Um beijinho amiga! 🌹🥂🌷

    1. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas filled with love and joy, and a New Year full of peace, health, and harmony. May 2025 bring us all more peace in this world.

  56. Such useful information, Melody!
    Especially the point you made about having the most updated blog appear first on our profile.
    I really enjoy this kind of insight.
    I agree with you about Google+
    there will definitely be developments in blogging.
    For me, it’s amazing to be able to interact with people from completely different cultures and learn about them.

    1. Thank you so much! I’m glad you found the information helpful. I agree—interacting with people from different cultures is one of the best parts of blogging! It’s exciting to see how the blogging world will continue to evolve.

  57. Olá, amiga Jacob, venho a esse seu bonito espaço para desejar a você
    e sua família um ano de 2025 com muita saúde, paz e esperança.
    Grande abraço!

  58. Happy 2025 to you Melody. I hope your new years is happy, healthy and everything you want it to be.


Feel free to leave a comment in any language you prefer! You can use the translate tool at the top right corner of the blog to switch to your preferred language. Your opinions are always welcome here—don’t be shy! Much love.

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