
Saturday, August 21

Style guide: How to wear orange.

Orange's versatility is unmatched. For a long time, we slept on this colour. Isn't it amazing how well orange goes with so many other colours? It's proving out to be a really versatile colour. I've seen orange in stores in a variety of shades, ranging from bright to demure, so you can just choose the shade of orange that best matches your complexion and temperament and mix and match it with all of these other lovely colours. 

You do not necessarily have to purchase an orange dress by simply adding an orange scarf or purse can give your ensemble that extra pop of colour and flare. Because orange is such a vivid and overpowering colour, it is not the easiest colour to wear. However, if you look closely, you'll notice that there are a lot of beautiful ways to wear orange in various colour combinations.


If you want a more natural look, a subdued olive green, such as the tones can be paired with orange. Orange on black and orange on yellow are also brilliant combinations. If you are trying to decide on which orange item to purchase, you can go for an orange winter jacket, boots, bikini or an orange dress


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