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Mentally demanding jobs may help to lower the risk of dementia.

Are you employed in a mentally stimulating position? It may help lessen your risk of developing dementia later in life, according to a study published in The BMJ on Aug. 21, 2021. The researchers pooled data from several studies that explored the relationship between employment characteristics and chronic disease, disability, and death. They discovered that those with intellectually stimulating employment had a 23% lower risk of getting dementia than those with non-stimulating professions. Cognitively stimulating employment was classified as those that required individuals to make independent judgments and perform demanding tasks.

The cardiovascular safety of prostate cancer drugs is yet uncertain.

Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is a common treatment for prostate cancer that is used when the tumour has progressed or is likely to return after surgery or radiation. Doctors use ADT (also known as hormonal treatment) to block testosterone from fueling prostate cancer development. However, this type of therapy has possible adverse effects, including heart effects that should be properly watched, especially in men with cardiovascular disease or other cardiac risk factors. Every year, approximately one million men are diagnosed with prostate cancer throughout the world, and half of them will be prescribed ADT at some point in their lives.

Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae or gonococcus gonorrhoea. It was previously referred to as "the clap."

How gonorrhoea is transmitted?

The germs that cause gonorrhoea are most frequently detected in penile discharge and vaginal fluid.

Gonorrhoea is easily transmitted between humans via the following routes:

Vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse that is not protected

Exchanging vibrators or other sex devices that have not been thoroughly cleaned or wrapped with a fresh condom after each usage

The bacteria can infect the womb's entrance (cervix), the tube that excretes urine from the body (urethra), the rectum, and, less frequently, the throat or eyes.

Additionally, the illness can be transmitted from a pregnant mother to her unborn child. If you're pregnant and suspect you may have gonorrhoea, it's critical to get tested and treated before giving birth.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by Treponema pallidum bacterium. Syphilis begins with an open sore (ulcer) that releases fluid containing syphilis germs. Contact with this ulcer or other infectious sores that develop later in the disease, generally during vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse, can spread syphilis. Syphilis, if left untreated, progresses through a succession of stages that affect various areas of the body, but some stages overlap:

Syphilis creates a painless ulcer called a chancre in the vaginal region, where the syphilis germs enter the body. This stage lasts between ten to ninety days (on average three weeks) after a person is exposed to someone who has syphilis. Without therapy, the sore resolves in around four to eight weeks.

Secondary syphilis – The syphilis germs spread throughout the body at this stage. This frequently results in a rash covering the majority of the body, as well as fever, aches and pains, and other symptoms. This stage lasts six to eight weeks after a person is introduced to syphilis.

Latent syphilis – This stage begins after the secondary stage has ended. Despite the absence of symptoms, the individual remains sick. This period can span several years, if not the entirety of an individual's life. Approximately one-third of latent syphilis patients develop tertiary syphilis.

Tertiary syphilis — At this stage, syphilis germs may severely harm numerous internal organs, including the brain and spinal cord. It often manifests within ten years of infection and can be fatal.

Pregnant mothers who have syphilis can transmit the bacteria to their infants, resulting in congenital syphilis. Syphilis congenital causes a range of skin and organ issues in babies and is often fatal. Pregnant women with syphilis also have a roughly 40% chance of having a stillborn baby.

What is chlamydia?

How can I determine if I have to take an STD test? Discover More

Chlamydia is an infection that is transmitted sexually and infects both men and women. It can harm a woman's reproductive system permanently and dangerously. Her inability to get pregnant in the future will be because of this. Chlamydia may induce a dangerous ectopic pregnancy, which is deadly in many cases (pregnancy that occurs outside the womb).

How is chlamydia transmitted?

Chlamydia can be transmitted by intercourse of the oral, anal, or vaginal kind with someone who already has it.

Even if your sex partner does not ejaculate, you might still catch chlamydia.

You can develop chlamydia again even if you've had it before and been treated. Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease transmitted after the occurrence of unprotected intercourse with someone who is also infected. Chlamydia can be transmitted to a baby during delivery if the mother is infected.

Infection of the urinary tract (also known as cystitis) can affect your urinary system, including your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. These organs play an important role in producing urine and getting it out of your body. Urinary tract infections are frequently broken down into two types, which are identified by where they occur in the urinary system:

Lower tract infection:

Lower urinary tract infections are caused mostly by bacteria in the gut, which go up the urethra and then spread into the bladder from the skin. Urethritis may be the result of sexually transmitted bacteria, such as gonorrhoea and Chlamydia. Men can develop an inflammation of the prostate, known as prostatitis, as well as other types of urinary infections.

In cases of upper tract infections, patients experience issues with their ureters and kidneys, with pyelonephritis as the most common of them (kidney infection). Germs frequently move through the urinary tract from the bladder, leading to infections in the kidneys. These can arise as a result of bacteria that gather in the kidneys from the circulation.

Urinary tract infections affect most women. Only a small number of them are found in younger males. The prostate gland can get enlarged in males over 50, and it can cause urinary blockage. BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia, a disease characterized by an enlarged prostate, is an illness that affects an estimated one-third of men over age sixty. If this problem occurs, it can hinder the bladder from completely emptying, increasing the risk of germs building up and resulting in an infection. Men who are uncircumcised or engage in anal sex are at higher risk for having bladder inflammation, also known as cystitis. Besides objects in the urinary tract (e.g., stones or catheter-related strictures), other variables that might raise the risk of urinary tract infections include insufficient bladder emptying (the above-mentioned stent placement or other reasons that prevent proper emptying) (as may be inserted to relieve a blockage in the urethra).

Is it true that vitamin and mineral supplements can help prevent prostate cancer?

Can some vitamins help lower my chance of prostate cancer?

Most studies on vitamin and mineral supplements had disappointing results. Some appear to raise the risk of prostate cancer.

Multivitamins. One standard multivitamin every day has no effect on the risk of prostate cancer.

Vitamin B12 with folic acid
Vitamin B12 with folic acid High blood levels of these two vitamins have been linked to an increased risk of cancer in some studies. However, this isn't proof that the supplements cause prostate cancer.

Testosterone is a hormone that plays an essential part in men's health, but its primary purpose is to enhance sex drive and performance.

Testosterone levels tend to drop as people become older. They reach a peak in early adulthood and then begin to decline at a rate of up to 1% each year around the age of 40. An injury or disease (such as an infection), chemotherapy or radiation treatment, or some medicines can induce a sudden fall.

Men might suffer from a weak libido and erectile dysfunction when testosterone levels drop too low. Low levels can also lead to tiredness, mood swings, loss of muscular mass, and bone strength.

Most men can maintain sufficient testosterone levels long into their late adulthood. Maintaining good health might also assist to slow down the ageing process. Many older men, however, consider testosterone replacement treatment (TRT) as a way to replenish decreased levels. It's reasonable to believe that TRT might make a man feel younger and give his sex life more physical strength and good health.

Protein is necessary for men to maintain muscle mass and strength as they age. According to research published online by JAMA Internal Medicine on July 13, 2020, the source of that protein may also influence how long people live. Scientists studied the diets of almost 400,000 people aged 50 and over who ate plant-based protein, red meat, and eggs. After then, they were tracked for more than 16 years. People who ate primarily plant protein rather than red meat or egg protein had a 13 per cent to 24 per cent decreased chance of dying from any cause.

Natural growth hormone is produced and secreted by the pituitary gland in the brain. It is responsible for early body development when combined with other hormones such as IGF-1 (insulin growth factor 1).

Growth hormone helps the body utilise fat for energy and continues to play a role in protein creation throughout your life. Children that are deficient in growth hormone do not reach their full height potential and have short stature. In these children, the FDA approved a synthetic human growth hormone (HGH) as a substitute, which helps them grow taller.

Synthetic HGH became a popular but illegal performance-enhancing drug in the early 1980s. The hype around human growth hormone and superior athletic performance has always been bigger than reality.
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), commonly known as chronic prostatitis, is one of the most perplexing and difficult-to-manage diseases that affects older men. For males, the condition is all-too-real, and it's also one of the hardest to treat.

After the age of 50, males frequently experience "down there" discomfort. Cramping, aching, or throbbing discomfort in and around your pelvis and genitals might be the cause. You could also experience problems in the bedroom and the bathroom. While the issues are real, determining what is causing them is frequently challenging.

PSA blood testing is highly regarded as an efficient method of monitoring disease activity in males diagnosed with prostate cancer. PSA testing, on the other hand, is problematic as a prostate cancer screening technique.

While PSA levels usually increase as men age, very high levels may indicate prostate cancer. Unless there has been a rapid spike from a considerably lower value, a PSA level of fewer than 4 nanograms per millilitre (ng/mL) is often reassuring. Many physicians consider a total PSA level greater than 10 ng/mL to be the threshold for obtaining a biopsy to rule out cancer.

What if your PSA level is between 4 and 10 ng/mL?

While a man with a PSA level in this range may still have prostate cancer, other possible reasons such as an enlarged or inflammatory prostate are equally likely. Should you have a biopsy or should you wait?

Men with somewhat to moderately high PSA levels can now undergo additional noninvasive testing before undergoing a biopsy. It is essential to speak with a urologist to determine the next appropriate measures. "Discussing these alternatives with a urologist might help men avoid an unnecessary and uncomfortable procedure with possible side effects," says Dr Marc Garnick, a urologic cancer expert affiliated with Harvard's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Here's an overview of these tests and how they can help you and your doctor determine if you require a biopsy.

If you maintain a sexually active life as you age, you increase your chances of needing an erectile dysfunction (ED) drug.

Around 25% of men in their 50s, according to estimates, have trouble getting erections. When males reach their 60s, this number increases to about 50%, and to 60% when they reach their 70s.

"Unfortunately, as men age, their erections do not improve," says Dr Michael O'Leary, head of men's health at the Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital. "However, the good news is that there is no age restriction on the use of ED medications. You may continue to take them as long as you can have intercourse safely."

There are a variety of methods for treating cancer that has spread to the prostate gland. On one end, there's cautious waiting (starting therapy only if symptoms appear) and on the other, there's active observation (periodic testing to see if cancer progresses). The surgical removal of the prostate, on the other hand, is an option.

Depending on the stage of localized cancer: radiation therapy, which may be administered alone or in combination with hormone therapy, commonly known as androgen deprivation therapy (ADT).

Dr Atish D. Choudhury, co-director of the Prostate Cancer Center at Harvard-affiliated Dana-Farber Disease Institute, states, "Hormone treatment is a strong weapon in the battle against prostate cancer because it starves the cancer of the fuel that drives its development and spread."

Honestly speaking, it hasn't been easy. For 3 months or more, I have been battling with my face. At first, it stopped glowing in the morning, and I was like, "Maybe it's the phase of life I was in at that point in time." I was literally very stressed emotionally. You all know how life sets you up after you've just graduated from university. It's literally so crazy trying to follow the right path and make proper decisions that will help you in life. So much was going on, but one thing was certain: I was eating well, taking lots of liquids, but my water intake was less, and I ate Nzu like never before.

Wondering what Nzu is? The English name is (Calabash chalk). It is a geophagic material popularly consumed in West African countries for pleasure, and by pregnant women as a cure for nausea.

Geophagia is the practice of eating the earth, including soil and chalk. This act can expose the consumer to toxic substances and parasites found in the ingested earth. #WIKI

My Nzu consumption increased when I travelled back to Nigeria, and this is because it was readily available and I ended up abusing it. Honestly, I can say I ate nothing less than 150 pieces of Nzu in the space of two months. After a few months, I got back to Europe, and everything started falling apart.

1. Firstly, I started noticing some changes in my menstrual cycle, like heavy flow (I used an average of 13 sanitary pads in 2 days), menstrual pain, and acne. Before now, I had never experienced such changes.
2. Next, it was my skin; it got really dry and started to itch as a result. So I had to increase the amount of cream I applied, take more water, and eat more fruits to help my skin.
The reason is that without proper water consumption, our skin dries off because water is needed to moisturise it. Nzu is clay, and clay is thick, so much water is needed for its absorption in the body.

At this point, I understood what the cause of the problem was, but I couldn't stop because I was probably "addicted," or so to say, "an Nzu junkie."

About 2 weeks ago, I decided to put an end to this problem. I was not happy with the condition of my skin. Waking up to new pimples every morning that ends up leaving marks because they get really itchy and you just can't help but scratch.

I tried various skin products but they made the condition of my skin even worst. If you are following me on Instagram, you will be aware that I had a 6-day trip. I was planning to visit the dermatologist after I got back from this trip (which I will be sharing soon on the Blog). During my trip I maintained a healthy diet, I was so mindful of what I ate because I was trying to avoid having diarrhea. So indirectly my skin improved because I maintained a healthy diet.
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