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Tuesday, September 03, 2024

15 Tips to Stay Cool in Hot Weather

With rising temperatures due to climate change, it’s important to find ways to stay cool. Just walking across a parking lot in the heat can make you sweat. This summer has been tough for everyone.

Don’t wait until you’re overheated to cool down. Be aware of high temperatures throughout your day and try these 14 tips to stay cool:

Cover the Basics
  1. Check the weather: Use a weather app to track hourly temperatures and plan your day around the hottest times.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids to replace what you lose through sweat. Women need about 11 cups (88 ounces) and men need about 15 cups (120 ounces) per day. If you’re outdoors a lot, you’ll need even more.
  3. Seek air conditioning: Spend time in air-conditioned places during the hottest parts of the day. If you don’t have AC, visit a mall, library, movie theater, or cooling center.
  4. Use fans wisely: Fans can help cool you down by blowing heat away from your body. If the air is hot, wet your skin with a spray bottle or wet wipe to promote evaporative cooling.
  5. Take breaks: Pace yourself during outdoor activities. Physical work generates heat, so be active for short periods and rest in between.
Pack and Dress for Heat

6. Bring Cool-Downs: Always carry water, a handheld fan, wet wipes, and ice packs when you go out.

7. Wear loose clothing: lightweight, loose-fitting clothes allow air to reach your skin and help you stay cool.

8. Try High-Tech Clothes: Consider clothes with cooling technology, like special fabrics that stay damp and pull heat from your body.

DIY Cool Downs

  • Make a Cooling Garment: Dunk a towel or T-shirt in cold water and wear it on your head, neck, or torso. Rewet it as needed. You can also buy higher-tech versions.
  • Eat or Drink Something Cold: A cool glass of water, ice chips, or a popsicle can help lower your body temperature. Just don’t consume them too quickly to avoid stomach upset.
  • Cool off with a shower or bath. Experts debate the best water temperature for cooling down. Some say cool water constricts blood vessels and sends heat back to the core, making you hot again.
  •  Others believe chilly water cools the blood vessels and sends cooled blood to the core. Dr. Wiskel suggests: “Immerse yourself in water that’s cooler than your body temperature. Tepid water works too. Afterward, stand in front of a fan to promote evaporative cooling.
  • Submerge your forearms. If you can’t take a shower or bath, try this trick from the US Army: submerge your hands, forearms, and elbows in ice water for five minutes. This helps send cool blood through your body.
  • Apply ice or cold packs. A water-free way to cool down is to place ice packs on areas near large blood vessels, like the elbows, underarms, neck, or inside the legs near the groin.
  • Know when to get help. If you’re not cooling down after trying these methods, Dr. Wiskel advises seeking care. Call your doctor’s office or 911 if you show signs of heat exhaustion as recommended.


  1. Boas as dicas em algumas semanas aqui no Brasil vamos entrar na estação quente se cuidar no calor é importante bjs.

  2. So now I'm takin a trip to my fridge and I will eat some icecream. :)

  3. MOlto utile e interessante per questa lunga e calda estate!!!

  4. Thank you for your tipps, dear Melody... I do some of those things already, but ... well, I hope autumn comes soon ;-)
    All the best, Traude

  5. This summer was very hot... I don't like high temperatures, I do everything to cool my body. Your advice is very helpful... Have a beautiful evening:)

  6. Dicas importantes para usar em temperaturas elevadas e com baixa umidade do ar. Para piorar, aqui no Brasil ainda temos as queimadas e a fumaça, o que contribui ainda mais para um agravamento da situação. Boas dicas, obrigada!!

  7. Also if I prefer summer instead winter I must to admit that this summer is beenreally hot also for me. However I drinked a lot of cold water, stay at home during hot hours :(11,30 a.m till5 /6 p.m) except for days where I went into naturaal swimming pool...cold water bath was a true treat for body and soul!!!

  8. We're going into fall, but that doesn't mean we might not have hot days. In fact, I wish we were having a few more of them. These are excellent tips, well worth saving.

  9. This is such an important post! The weather here has been very up and down. One day, it is chilly, and the next, it is really hot. I will keep these tips in mind <3


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