Lifestyle Blogger

Monday, July 31

Why Noisy stomachs, runny noses, and deep yawns

Our bodies perform some tasks so frequently and naturally that we hardly even perceive them. Examples include yawning, stomach grumbling, and runny noses. Each is a common element of what we, as people, go through every day.

But have you ever questioned why? Here are a few things we are certain about and a few we are not.

Why do you sneeze?
Maybe you only equate yawning with being worn out or bored. Although the specific cause of yawning is unknown, there are several ideas. Yawning might occur.

Stretching out our lungs and surrounding tissues stops the lungs' small airways from collapsing.
Surfactant, a gooey material that coats the tiny air gaps in the lungs and helps keep them open, is distributed to help prepare our systems for transitions between awake and sleep. For instance, yawning frequently happens after relaxing and when waking up from sleep. Additionally, it might be an internal cue that it's time to stop doing something (like driving) or to go to bed.

Play a part in maintaining a healthy brain temperature: Only a small range of temperatures is ideal for our brain's performance. According to some experts, yawning has intricate effects on the sinuses and surrounding circulation, which can help cool the brain.

Furthermore, it is unknown why yawning spreads easily. Contagious yawning is a common occurrence in the animal kingdom, possibly serving as a cue for group behaviour (such as transitioning from activity to rest).

Why does your tummy growl?
Medical terminology for that stomach grumbling is borborygmi, a great Scrabble word provided you have the correct letters. Typically, we assume it's a sign of hunger. And it's true that hunger can manifest itself even while waiting for a meal.

However, after eating, your stomach may also grumble as the stomach and intestines push food and drink through the digestive system. Stress can also cause stomach rumblings.

Is there ever a problem with the noise, and what's making it so loud? Gas may shift as a result of the intestinal walls' muscles contracting. Sometimes noises coming from the abdomen can be a sign of an intestinal infection or other issue. Consult your doctor if you have any further symptoms, such as pain or fever. However, the majority of noises are harmless and an indication that your digestive system is operating regularly.

Your nose is running; why?
Your nose may seem to be running for no apparent reason at times. However, some triggers are well-known, such as:

Infection. As part of your defence mechanism, your mucous membranes create more mucus when you have a cold because less germs can enter when there is more mucus coming out.
Allergies. Pollen, ragweed, or other triggers cause immune cells to produce histamine. Histamine causes the blood vessels just below the mucous membranes to dilate, which increases the flow of fluid and mucus into and out of the body. Similar to an infection, the offending trigger may be diluted and removed from the area with the help of this reaction.
Dry, chilly air. Mucous membranes line the interior of the nose, warming and humidifying the air well before it enters the lungs. These membranes add moisture to the air when you breathe in cold, dry air through your nose by secreting mucus and water.
spicy meal. Spices like capsaicin irritate the mucous membranes and sinuses, causing them to leak fluid as a result.

The conclusion

The experiences that people have on a daily basis that are most typical are also some of the least understood. In fact, there are a lot more examples: Why do we twitch? What function do hiccups perform? Why does my brain sometimes freeze?

Even if we don't know what those reasons are, it's likely that there are really excellent reasons for how our bodies function, despite what they might look like.
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