According to a new study, military veterans who participated in home-based cardiac rehabilitation were 36% less likely to pass away within four years than those who chose not to participate. Cardiac rehab is a specialized program of education and exercise that can be carried out at home or in a medical facility to assist patients in recovering from heart-related conditions.
The study, which included 1,120 veterans who were found qualified for cardiac rehab, was released on March 7, 2023, in the Journal of the American Heart Association. A technique to enhance blood flow in the heart's arteries, angioplasty, was performed on about half of the patients. Only 490 people (44%) opted to take part in a 12-week home-based rehabilitation program. The program included motivational interview sessions and up to nine coaching calls. A workbook, a health record, a blood pressure monitor, a scale, and (if requested) a stationary bike were also provided to the participants. Each person had assistance from a nurse or exercise physiologist in setting reasonable activity objectives. Over a median follow-up of 4.2 years, participants' death rates were 36% lower than those of non-participants.
Although more convenient than on-site programs, Medicare or the majority of insurance companies do not currently cover home-based cardiac rehab programs.
The study, which included 1,120 veterans who were found qualified for cardiac rehab, was released on March 7, 2023, in the Journal of the American Heart Association. A technique to enhance blood flow in the heart's arteries, angioplasty, was performed on about half of the patients. Only 490 people (44%) opted to take part in a 12-week home-based rehabilitation program. The program included motivational interview sessions and up to nine coaching calls. A workbook, a health record, a blood pressure monitor, a scale, and (if requested) a stationary bike were also provided to the participants. Each person had assistance from a nurse or exercise physiologist in setting reasonable activity objectives. Over a median follow-up of 4.2 years, participants' death rates were 36% lower than those of non-participants.
Although more convenient than on-site programs, Medicare or the majority of insurance companies do not currently cover home-based cardiac rehab programs.
This research is still being watched.