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Monday, April 4

Mindfulness exercises that can help with overeating

Can mindfulness exercises help with overeating?

We've all had moments of indulgence that result in overeating. It's nothing to be concerned about if it happens once in a while. If this happens regularly, you might worry if you have a "food addiction" or an overheating problem. Before you get too worked up, keep in mind that neither of them is a recognized medical diagnosis. Indeed, the reality of food addiction is a hotly debated topic.

If food addiction occurs, it would be induced by a physiological mechanism, and you would experience withdrawal symptoms if you didn't eat particular foods, such as those containing sugar. But that's not the same as saying you adore sugar and find it difficult to avoid it. "Dr Helen Burton Murray, an expert in psychology, agrees. When she isn't at work, she is the head of the Center for Neurointestinal Health at the Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Neurointestinal Health.

Many people unintentionally overeat and are unaware of it until they have finished their meal. Mindfulness exercises can help you stick to reasonable portion sizes in this situation.

However, she advises that if your ideas about food are interfering with your ability to function on a daily basis, you should seek professional help. A smart place to start is with your primary care physician.

What does it mean to eat mindfully?
Mindfulness is the act of being fully present in the current moment and monitoring the stimuli that bombard your senses. During mealtime, "Consider how the food appears, tastes, and smells. What's the feeling like? What memories does it conjure up for you? What effect does it have on you? " Burton Murray
You'll slow down your eating process, pay more attention to your body's hunger and fullness signals, and possibly avoid overeating if you're mindful at meals.
"Rather than going through the automatic process of seeing food, taking food, and eating food," Burton Murray explains, "it forces you to take a step back and make decisions about what you're eating."
Set yourself up for success when it comes to eating mindfulness by doing the following:
Distractions are being removed. Phones, televisions, and laptops should all be turned off. Eat-in a quiet, uncluttered environment.
Keep track of your time during a 20-minute meal. Slowly chew your food and rest your fork between nibbles.

There are several more mindfulness activities to try.

When you're not eating, you can strengthen your awareness "muscles" by practising mindfulness. Here are some exercises to help you with that.
Breathing with focus Inhale slowly and exhale slowly. Allow your tummy to expand with each inhale. Allow your tummy to go in with each out-breath, "Burton Murray explains the situation. "This relaxes the diaphragm, which is connected to the nerves that run between the brain and the gut."
Muscles are gradually relaxed. For 20 seconds, you will tighten and release one major muscle group at a time. Take note of how the muscles feel as they relax after releasing a contraction.
Even if it's only for five minutes, go for a mindful walk. Burton Murray advises, "Use your senses to take in your environment." What colours do tree leaves come in? Are there any holes in the ground, and if so, where can they be found? What does the smell of the air say? Is there gentle air on your skin? "Yoga or Tai Chi are good options. In each of these traditional martial arts practices, deep breathing and paying attention to how your body feels are part of the process.

Keep a diary. Make a list of the events of your day. Include what your senses picked up, such as the sights, sounds, and smells you encountered, as well as the textures you touched.
Don't stress about attempting to be mindful during the day. Begin with a few moments here and there and work your way up. The more mindful you are during the day, the more mindful you will be when eating. You might also notice that you're more capable of making decisions about what you eat. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Melody Jacob Health Team at Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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