Lifestyle Blogger

Sunday, June 14


 Summer is obviously here, and most people will be travelling to different cities and countries. Most times i see lots of  people using waterproof as a luggage cover to protect their bags and suitcases, which really doesn't look nice. Loqi has provided us with suitcase covers, which comes in different styles,size, designs and colors. Mine is the loqi lollipop luggage cover is so beautiful and vibrant. Loqi has lots of beautiful bag covers which are affordable. Everyone needs a bag cover, it gives a more decent look to your suitcase and also adds up to your simple travel outfit. Luggage covers are also perfect gift ideas for a traveler. Oh yeah, loqi museum collection is what i call creativity, the style and sense its portrayals is outstanding. Shipping is fast, less than 9 days i received the package, well package in a beautiful colorful pack below. Just in-case you do not like bright colors loqi still has something for you, you can get more #suitcases or luggage cover here. In my next post i will showing you the loqi zipper pocket bags and bags in general, i will also tell you how to use them and why you need them. So shop loqi and enjoy the beautiful elevation of style. If you enjoyed the post please leave a comment below and do not forget to check out loqi.
Details: Pants: Calliope,Top: Tesco, Shoe: Boohoo, Beauty: chioma Amadi Wrist watch : Mogani


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