
You're excited to start looking at engagement rings, and you're wondering if a blue sapphire might be the way to go. With its rich colour and long history, the blue sapphire offers you a different option from the traditional diamond: It's less expensive, rarer, and can come with its share of myths. So what's the verdict? Below are seven reasons a blue sapphire engagement ring might be right for you.

7 Reasons Choose A Blue Sapphire Engagement Ring


They are the most valuable gemstones after diamonds.

Blue Sapphires are the most valuable gemstones after diamonds. The value of a sapphire engagement ring relies on the colour, clarity, and cut of the stone as well as its carat size. Sapphires come in many different colours, including; yellow, orange, green, and violet, but blue is by far the most popular colour due to its rarity in nature compared to other coloured sapphires. 

Pink sapphires are typically the least expensive type of sapphire because they’re rarer than any other colour. Sapphires are also more valuable than rubies (and emeralds), making them an excellent choice for your engagement ring. If you are looking for a unique sapphire engagement ring, you can find it here

They have a rich history and are associated with royalty.

Sapphire is the birthstone for September, the gemstone for the 9th wedding anniversary, and the gemstone for the 23rd wedding anniversary. It's also associated with royalty.

The first known use of sapphire as a gemstone was in ancient Egypt. Around 2600 BC, Egyptians used sapphires to decorate amulets worn by pharaohs and priests; this was believed to bring them great power in life after death. Many ancient cultures believed that wearing one would bring you good luck throughout your life!

Sapphire has been used for centuries by kings and queens all over Europe—and it appeared in many paintings depicting scenes from Shakespeare's plays during his period because it was thought to symbolize truthfulness and sincerity!

They make a bold fashion statement.

But blue sapphire engagement rings aren’t just a great choice because they’re beautiful, durable, and timeless. They also make a bold fashion statement. Blue sapphire engagement rings are a great option for someone who wants to stand out from the crowd and make an impression with their ring. For example, if you want your friends or family members to know that you’re engaged without them having to ask, then this is the way to go!

In addition, these rings have been popular among celebrities lately because they have become known as “the rock of the season.”

Someone once told me that the most precious ring gifts she could ever be gifted with are anniversary rings for her. I can still picture her looking at blank spaces with so many smiles on her face and little tears of joy giving a full detailed explanation of the overwhelming joy she felt when being gifted anniversary rings. She spoke of rekindled memories of her wedding day, it was such a lovely moment to behold. 

You could also tell a story, you reading this, and you have yet to have the feeling that an anniversary ring brings along. It is an undeniable fact that over the years we sometimes need a reminder of that precious moment at the altar and while we share memories and exchange other gift items the gifts of rings give this undefined joy to couples that no other gift can. You can imagine the joy and smile a brand new ring on every anniversary would give to your partner. A brand new ring to mark every anniversary that passes by annually is a reminder of all the vows on the altar and the beautiful moments shared on your wedding day.
If enjoy  traveling but despise packing. Without a doubt, pre-trip planning is something you should do:put together itineraries, researching the finest places to eat local cuisine, and scoping out the best spots to take pictures when in a new place. Packing your  suitcase, on the other hand? That's when your enthusiasm completely disappears.

Use washing services more often and pack less.

Most of us are chronic over packers, which means we carry way too much clothing on every trip. To avoid overpacking, I suggest taking no more than seven days' worth of clothing. This will not only drive you to reevaluate what products are truly required, but it will also reduce the amount of excess weight you carry around. Also, let's be honest: you can (and should!) wear your clothes more than once on vacation, with the exception of your underwear. There are other options if you don't like the idea of hand-washing your clothes in your hotel room's sink while you're on vacation.

How to Avoid Overpacking for a Trip
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Stay away from the heavy jewelry, toiletries, and technological devices at home

Less is more, as always. The hefty chains, face cleansers, and cameras should be left at home. Scarves and shawls, which are often made of lightweight, breathable materials that are easy to travel, are great options if you like to accessorize. Keep your favorite K-beauty products handy in travel-sized bottles, whether you're a fan of the brand or not (no need to bring the originalpackage it came in). Smartphones are now so good at taking photos that they can match the quality of a high-end DSLR camera. What if I'm wrong? This could also be an ideal time to hire a local photographer to capture those memorable vacation moments.

It will be difficult to locate your ideal ring among the hundreds of local and internet jewelry stores. Because of the huge variety of jewellery, it could take several months. However, if you want to surprise your life partner, you need to put in the effort to make it worth it. It's important to make someone feel special while selecting a ring for them. Taking it a step further and purchasing a customized ring is another way to express your feelings and let them know that you care about them and would like to show them in this way.


A lady wearing rings

Every piece of jewellery ornament adds up to a memory to be cherished forever. So selecting the right jewellery for events like weddings, engagement ceremonies, business parties, or a hot night date is essential. In addition, jewellery is an accessory that states the personality of the person. From a delicate pair of studs earrings to the big chunky piece of statement rings, the gemstone jewellery has always added glamour to women’s appearance. Each of the gemstones and their meanings is very unique. For thousands of years, they have been revered for their power and beauty. In this blog, we will know about a few gemstones rings that sparkle to runaway the fashion with their gorgeous magnificence. Let us dive in.


Another blue colour gemstone loved for its appearance is the Larimar. It is a gemstone that has white swirls on the surface. People admire wearing Larimar rings because of their healing energies, and it is one of the soothing stones which will bring calmness and peace into the wearer’s life. This stone is only found in one place in the whole world, that is, the Dominican Republic. It is composed of the pectolite mineral, which is abundant in the world, but the Larimar stone is rarest. In addition, it could be worn daily to make life happy and prosperous. In addition, pairing the agate ring, on the other hand, will add beauty to the existing look of the wearer.


Moonstone is believed to have the energies of goddess Diana as it they are the moonbeams that have fallen to earth. They have a beautiful sheen that attracts every eye and makes a place in the viewer’s heart. They are available in the shades of blue, pink, white, orange, yellow, multi-colour, and colourless. People often gift the moonstone ring to their spouse as this crystal has the energy to make their bond stronger with mutual understanding. In many countries, they are even used as engagement rings, as it enhances the love between the couple and makes their life better.



We know that women always adore the jewellery given to them by their mothers, as they have the love and glory from the past. But we have another exciting stone that is the Turquoise stone. It is one of the oldest stones mined and has wonderful energies of sky and ocean in it. The statement Turquoise ring looks fantastic when worn on the left hand’s third finger. This gemstone is usually bought for wearing on an everyday basis as it brings good fortune with health and wealth. It is a bluish-green stone with a matrix on the surface. Adding it to your collection would be an ideal choice.

Hip hop jewellery first acquired popularity in the late 1970s and early 1980s, thanks to the rappers of the time. Big, heavy Cuban link chains were a common piece of hip-hop jewellery worn by these artists to signal their presence. Each piece of jewellery they wore was a symbol of their achievements and accomplishments. A stunning selection of gold Cuban link chains can be found in our stylish assortment of Cuban link chains for men and women. Cuban link chains are a sign of wealth. A single chain can take up to 12 hours to make and requires the expertise of more than five experienced jewellers.  

Cuban link chain

It is well-known that hip hop fashion complements the attitudes of hip hop culture. It has emerged in such a strong way that popular culture simply can’t ignore it, in fact, it is embracing it. Hip-hop or Rapper's jewellery became part of our lives. We might as well blame rappers, and other celebrities, who pushed their fashion style into the mainstream. Rappers Jewellery is the true bling of your jewellery ensemble, and they are worn heavily by many famous rap stars. Bling pendants can range from crosses to custom pieces, and miscellaneous. The sizes vary, along with its type; they can come in gold or silver, and with or without diamonds or gems.


Nowadays, more individuals get married every weekend, and staying on budget is critical to achieving your wedding goals and establishing a healthy family foundation. The sort of ring you choose is an important aspect of your wedding. Rings are expensive, and most people believe that if they don't get a very expensive stone, their love isn't genuine. However, this is incorrect because there are many valuable rings made from high-quality materials that will make you feel special, and that is why you should go for something unique and special like Moissanite bridal sets, which are suitable for all preferences.

moissanite bridal sets

Some people buy expensive rings without considering their financial situation. Don't go broke trying to choose a wedding band; instead, look for something reasonable. Eternity wedding bands are a great choice for a love that will last a lifetime since they represent unending love.

Rings can be worn to symbolize familial ties, cultural allegiances, and even allegiances. Additionally, individuals utilize rings on a certain finger to emit a specific type of energy. For instance, wearing a ring on the thumb expresses one's individualism.

Our fingers are a highly visible part of our body, which is why they have frequently been bejewelled to make a strong statement. Rings have been used as a symbol for a variety of things since ancient times.

1. As a Status Indicator

Certain signet rings are passed down down the generations of emperors, generals, and high priests as a symbol of their authority and dignity. These rings acknowledge the wearer's dominance.

2. As a Charm

Inspired by astrology and religion, many people wear gemstone rings to attract desired outcomes or to ward off evil.

3. As Promising Band

Engagement rings are exchanged between two people or just presented to a woman to indicate that the wearer is engaged, or about to marry.

4. As a Commitment Band

When a couple marries, it is usual for both to wear their wedding bands always as a symbol of their union and fidelity to one another. Our one-of-a-kind variety of rings. 
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You can order your favorite makeup brands, your chosen skincare, clothing from almost any brand, designer bags and so much more online. We even do banking, plan weddings, create vision boards, and build our businesses.

So is it any surprise that we also choose the internet to buy jewelry? One of the things that can be a little bit of an issue is that you can't always be sure that the jewelry seller is legitimate.

When you are making big purchases like jewelry online, it pays to make sure that you are doing it safely. After all, you don't want to be the victim of a scam and not get exactly what you've paid for.

In general, shopping for jewelry online is incredibly safe and can be a very worthwhile experience. You have plenty of time to look at the different designs, diamond shapes, and unique jewelry on offer.

You have the entire jewelry market at your fingertips in seconds.

So here is how you can buy jewelry safely online.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash


We have all had the unfortunate experience where what we have purchased doesn't fit or we simply don't like it. Things become a bit more tricky if you don't understand the returns policy for the item you have purchased online.

Ensure that before you press the ‘buy’ button, there is a 100% return guarantee and that there are no exceptions. Look for at least a 30-day return policy and that your consumer rights will not be affected.

After that, legitimate jewelry stores may offer an extended 45-day return policy to ensure that their customers are delighted with their purchases.
moissanite bridal sets

During an Instagram hoax, a woman was asked if her engagement ring was a real diamond in front of her husband. Confidently, she responded yes. The jewellery was examined and discovered to be fake. She was caught off guard, which got me thinking about how many other individuals haven't discovered that their partner lied about the ring's quality before they got engaged or got married. If you're buying an engagement or wedding ring, it should always come from the heart. Other than lying to your lover about the quality of a ring, different stones are affordable, yet lasting and original that you can purchase.

In recent years, Moissanite has grown in popularity as an engagement and wedding ring stone. Moissanite is a wonderful alternative to diamonds when purchasing an engagement ring. It's also great for engagement rings, wedding bands, and promise rings, among other things. It's a hard stone (9.25-9.5 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness) that should last for many generations. It resembles a diamond in appearance, but costs a fraction of what a diamond does!
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