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Thursday, June 16, 2022

World Blood Donor Day 2022

On World Blood Donor Day 2022, the WHO is urging individuals from all over the world to donate blood as a show of solidarity.

Safe blood and blood products, as well as their transfusion, are essential components of health care and public safety. They are essential in the treatment of persons suffering from a variety of diseases, accidents, natural disasters, and armed warfare. The demand for blood is universal, but access to it is limited, particularly in low- and middle-income nations, where shortages disproportionately affect women and children, who are typically the individuals with the greatest need for blood.

Everyone can take the easy yet altruistic act of becoming a regular blood donor to develop communities, help local health systems, and save lives.

Key messages

Aiding people of all ages who suffer from diseases, tragedies, and accidents requires safe blood. Your contribution saves lives and safeguards our community. Thank you!

Blood is constantly necessary for saving lives and treating patients. Donating blood on a regular basis demonstrates your commitment to the community.

The need for blood is universal, yet not everyone who requires blood has access to it. In low- and middle-income countries, severe blood shortages exist.

In low- and middle-income nations, women and children are disproportionately affected by blood shortages since they require the most blood.

To ensure that everyone who requires a transfusion has access to safe blood, all nations require regular blood donations from unpaid volunteers.

Donating blood is an act of unity that saves lives. Providers of safe blood and blood products are vital to all health care systems.

Regular blood donations and widespread public engagement ensure that everyone has access to blood when they need it.

All blood donors offer patients and communities vital safety.

The creation of a successful blood donor program is facilitated by a hospitable social and cultural climate characterized by strong solidarity.

Donating blood strengthens social bonds and fosters a supportive community.

Who is able to donate blood?

If they are in good health, almost everyone can donate blood. To become a blood donor, there are a few basic standards that must be met. The following are some basic eligibility criteria:


You are between the ages of 18 and 65.

In some countries, national legislation allows 16–to 17-year-olds to donate if they meet the physical and haematological requirements and provide appropriate consent.

Regular donors beyond the age of 65 may be accepted at the discretion of the responsible physician in various countries. Some countries have a 60-year-old age limit.
You must weigh at least 50 kg.

In some countries, whole blood donors must weigh at least 45 kg in order to donate 350 ml (10%).
Health You must be in good physical condition at the time of donation.

If you have a cold, flu, sore throat, cold sore, stomach bug, or any other infection, you cannot give.

If you've recently had a tattoo or body piercing, you won't be able to donate for six months after the surgery. After 12 hours, if the body piercing was done by a qualified health expert and any inflammation has subsided, you can donate blood.

If you've been to the dentist for minor treatment, you'll need to wait 24 hours before donating; if you've had extensive work done, you'll need to wait a month.

It is forbidden to donate blood. If you don't have enough haemoglobin to donate blood, you must:

At the donation place, a test will be performed. A haemoglobin level of not less than 12.0 g/dl for females and not less than 13.0 g/dl for males is used as a threshold in several nations.

Travelling to locations where mosquito-borne illnesses, such as malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus, are endemic may result in a short postponement.

In order to limit the danger of spreading variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) through blood transfusion, many countries enacted policies requiring blood donors with a history of travel or residence in defined cumulative exposure periods in designated countries or locations to be deferred.

You are not permitted to give blood:

If you've had "at-risk" sexual behaviour in the last year,
Individuals who exhibit the following behaviours will be permanently deferred:
Have you ever tested positive for HIV? (AIDS virus)
Have you ever injected drugs for fun?
There are more behaviour eligibility requirements in the national blood donor selection standards. Different countries may have different criteria.

Breastfeeding and pregnancy
Following the pregnancy, the deferral period should last for the same number of months as the pregnancy.

Donating blood while breastfeeding is not advised. The deferral period after childbirth is at least 9 months (as with pregnancy) and ends 3 months after your infant has been significantly weaned (i.e. gets most of his or her nutrition from solids or bottle feeding).

When people donate blood at a blood service in a certain country, they must meet national eligibility standards. Please check for thorough information in the national/local blood services to see if any health issues, drugs, vocations, or travel history may limit your ability to give blood.

What are your options?

Be a blood donor on your own time and an example to others.
Make a commitment to giving blood on a regular basis throughout the year.
Encourage your friends and relatives to donate blood on a regular basis.
Volunteer with the blood service to reach out to members of your community, care for donors, and assist in the management of blood donation sessions/drives.
Determine your blood type and sign up to be a blood donor.
Participate in World Blood Donor Day using your social media channels.

Ministries of Health
Organize and take part in (virtual) activities to commemorate World Blood Donor Day, promoting voluntary unpaid blood donation to the general public, government, and other sectors.
Recognize the critical importance of well-organized, dedicated volunteer, unpaid blood donors in guaranteeing a safe and sufficient blood supply during normal and emergency situations.

Make resources and infrastructure available to encourage voluntary blood donation.
Support the establishment of nationally coordinated blood transfusion services that ensure equal access to safe and high-quality blood transfusions for the whole population.

Set up quality assurance mechanisms for blood and blood products.

Speak to the media on the importance of blood donation and your country's triumphs and challenges in meeting national blood needs.

Transfusion services at the national level
Disseminate information about the importance of blood donation.
Distribute World Blood Donor Day campaign materials, which may be downloaded from the campaign's website.

Create an online World Blood Donor Day celebration. This could include inviting prominent politicians, celebrities, and sporting heroes to make videos or communicate about the importance of giving blood; creating and disseminating promotional materials through your website and social channels; hosting virtual tours of blood donation centres and inviting the public to learn about blood donation and transfusion; and promoting blood donation success stories and heroic blood donors to your media.
Improve blood donation and blood donor care infrastructure.

Concentrate on donor health and care while providing exceptional service to blood donors.

Photo by Liza Summer: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-black-smartphone-6347741/


1 comment

  1. This is informative! Thanks for sharing!


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