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Friday, February 18, 2022

The week's best quote on the power of silence

The tormentor is aided by silence, but the tormented is never aided by silence. Silence is a loyal friend that never abandons you. The prophets' prophecies are scrawled on subway walls and tenement hallways and murmured in the hush. Silence is a powerful source of energy.

It's better to stay quiet and be thought of as an idiot than to speak and clear up all the doubt.

Here's a collection of powerful Silent quotes.

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The tormentor is aided by silence, but the tormented is never aided by silence. Silence is a loyal friend that never abandons you. The prophets' prophecies are scrawled on subway walls and tenement hallways, and murmured in the hush. Silence is a powerful source of energy.

It's better to stay quiet and be thought of as an idiot than to speak and clear up all the doubt.

Here's a collection of powerful Silent quotes.
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