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Tuesday, July 21

The Rise of Holistic Wellness in America

Embracing Natural Options for Life and Health

Sixty-six per cent of all adult Americans rely on prescription medications to help keep them healthy. In total, Americans spend $3.4 trillion on medical care every year. 
As more and more people realize they are captive to a medical system that responds to illness rather than prevents it, holistic wellness has become a popular way for people to meet their overall wellness needs, including the physical, social, spiritual, and emotional ones. Holistic wellness complements modern medicine while providing nourishment for the body, mind, and spirit.

The idea of holistic wellness is an ancient one, which became popularized in the United States starting around the mid-twentieth century. Much of the health-related activities we seek out today can fall under the category of “holistic wellness.”

Where to Find Opportunities for Holistic Wellness
You can practice holistic wellness in the comfort of your own home, but to learn about how to do this most people join a wellness club in their area. Wellness clubs often offer programs and educational opportunities for their members to master meditation and yoga, as well as grow spiritually and enhance their physical wellness. 

If you’re new to the world of holistic wellness, joining a wellness club helps you become familiar with concepts so you understand how to approach practices in a way that is beneficial for you and your family. 

Holistic Wellness Offerings
Some wellness treatments we regularly receive fall into the category of holistic wellness, and we don’t even realize it! Others are more obvious to us. For example, massage therapy is a prime example of holistic wellness. Many people receive massages to help cure their aches and pains, while others simply get one to relax and tune out the world. Both reasons fall into the holistic wellness category because they address the health of your body and mind.

Yoga and the meditation that accompanies it are also holistic wellness practices. Meditation requires you to train your brain to achieve mental clarity and feelings of calmness. Mindfulness, one meditation technique, is the ability to be present and attuned with what is happening at that given moment. Yoga incorporates meditation techniques, and both require you to regulate your breathing. Yoga also improves your physical health. Practitioners note their muscles are more toned and their bodies feel stronger.

Energy healing is another component of holistic wellness. It comes in many forms, and many people credit it for relieving their stress and physical pain. One such practice called Reiki works on your personal energy field to aid in healing and promote wellness. 

For seekers of holistic wellness looking for a slightly less spiritual approach, life coaching can address all facets of their concerns and help them grow as a person. A quality life coaching program helps you discover the best ways to manage daily stressors and take a mindful approach to all that you do. Life coaches hold you accountable for reaching the goals you’ve set for yourself. Individuals who receive coaching, especially in group settings, tout the benefits of working in a supportive and compassionate community of wellness seekers.

Modern medicine aims to treat illnesses as they arise, while a more naturopathic approach emphasizes prevention and optimizing your health. Rather than suppressing symptoms with prescription drugs, naturopathic practitioners employ natural methods to promote healing, including things like acupuncture, chiropractic care, nutrition, herbalism, and reflexology. Naturopathic medicine complements your general practitioner’s treatments on your journey to holistic wellness.

Some wellness clubs offer unique additional services to their communities. For example, a holistic wellness club in Kansas City is known to offer beauty treatments, including hair styling and facials, because your exterior beauty should match how beautiful you are on the inside. Clients enjoy that the wellness club is a one-stop-shop for all their wellness needs, including self-care options.

How to Choose a Wellness Club
Are you ready to find a wellness club and work toward holistic health along with millions of other Americans? To find a wellness club that you love, you should plan to visit a few in your area. Take into consideration how you feel when you’re inside, how the staff interact with guests, how far you’ll have to commute, and whether it offers the services you’re looking for to change your life. 

If you feel good about a specific wellness club you visited, go with your gut! That one is probably the one for you. Now you can begin your journey to holistic wellness.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels


  1. Very interesting post.

  2. I'm actually on no prescription meds. I see a bunch of holistic people and only take supplements. And I feel great!

    Curated by Jennifer

    1. Supplements are nice when taking the right ones.


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