Lifestyle Blogger

Monday, April 23

The Act Of Giving : It's more than just a donation. ONecklace.

Growing up, I was always told than giving is more important than receiving. Giving back to the community, friends and others in need is such a great act of kindness and charity. However, I have realized that many people have misconceptions on the idea of giving back. Many assume giving back strictly involves giving away money in some way. Although you can give to others in ways such as a charitable donation, you can also give back in many different ways.
1. Time
One way of giving back to the community and people is by volunteering your time. Volunteering is such a rewarding experience because you are not just simply giving organization money, you are actively working to help benefit the people and can feel yourself making a difference, even if it is only a small one. Although many of us have very busy schedules, it's nice to stop and take a break sometimes and use the little free time we have to help others.
2. Kindness
Another way of giving back involves acts of kindness. Little acts of kindness can go a long way and can truly have a big impact on a person's life. Simple things, such as paying for the person behind you at Dunks or even buying the homeless man on the corner a sandwich, it's the little things that make a big difference in a person's life. That simple act can truly bring the happiness they could have been lacking in their life.
3. Support
In addition to time and kindness, you can also give back through love and support. For example, you can emotionally be there for a person through the struggles they might be going through or even agree to sit alongside them in the church because they need encouragement to go. You can also support those in events such as Relay for Life where love and strength are what the survivors need to continue to fight.
Giving back is such an easy thing to do, and it really demonstrates the selflessness and character of individuals. Helping others is a great act, and oftentimes, people get too caught up in their lives to realize how simple giving back can actually be. Giving back is not always on a large scale but also on a very small and individual scale. As Albert Einstein once said, "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."

Outfit Details
Top: Stylish Fringed Zip Back Women's Denim T-Shirt.
Rebel anguine by Leo In Town.
I am wearing the Erica Studded Transparent High Heel Sandals which you can purchase from Jessica Buurman.
Circle signature necklace by oNecklace.
Dreamcatcher Necklace by oNecklace.

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