Hope your year is going well so far! Wishing you a wonderful January and an even better year ahead!

Lifestyle Blogger

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Some people downloaded the App and some people are obsessed with it, while some hate it.
For me its a fun app which can be used in so many ways.

At first, I wanted my snap chat to be private for friends and family but then i discovered and realized that snap chat is a very good base for marketing and doing business. It is a fast growing social network and one of the most popular and widely used.

So just before we start here is my Snapchat user name : Melody Jacobs Blog.

1 Create valuable contents for your viewers, this keeps them excited and wanting to view anytime you post a snap. Eg, A discussion between friends, Tips, Quotes etc.

2 Use this medium to always give a glimpse of the behind the scene of what you do, this keeps them informed about your business or product and longing to see the outcome.

3 Social media as the name goes should be social, so replying your snaps sometimes is a good idea.

4 Be creative about what you are posting, be fun, unique and strategic. Use bold colors to emphasize on the key words.

5 Share you snap name of other social networks to get people to add you on Snapchat

6 Do not be too loud,moderation is needed is everything, respect your viewers. 1 Corinthians 6:12.

Thank you so much for viewing, here are my outfit details
Denim dress : Sammydresss
Wedge: Sammydress
Dress: I changed my dress into a skirt

HAIR : Rpgshow

My Snapchat user name : Melody Jacobs Blog 
Pic:Evg Photos.

FOLLOW MELODY JACOBS BLOG: Yotube InstagraFacebook Twitter Tumblr Pinterest


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