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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

5 instances when it's best to remain silent

Here are five times you should never speak up.
Woman with her finger on her lips smiling

1. When you are aware that your words have the potential to cause great harm to another person. Even if you don't mean any harm with your words, they can still cut deep if they are insulting, sarcastic, or condescending. Words spoken years after the fact can still have the same crippling effect as those spoken moments later. One's choice of words has the power to either comfort or traumatise.

2. If you're extremely angry, keep quiet. Take a deep breath and don't say anything when you're feeling angry. Don't explode until you've calmed down. Those who go into a deep silence when they're angry are likely too afraid to express their feelings for fear of upsetting the people who mean the most to them. They hide their anger because they think that letting it out would make things worse between them and the person they are mad at.

3. When you feel strong feelings coming on inside, be quiet so we can figure out what's going on.

4. Do not speak, but instead focus on listening. When there is some vital aspect of your life about which you are unsure.

5. Maintain mental silence.
If you're having trouble settling on a course of action, give your wild mind some time to work it out. When you are at a loss for words, silence is also golden. More damage can be done by revealing false or exaggerated feelings, so it's better to keep quiet until you're more certain about how you really feel.

Photo by Sound On: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-red-long-sleeve-shirt-3760767/
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