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Thursday, January 04, 2024

Sulina Shop Facial uplifting oil review

Sulina Shop Facial uplifting oil review

Don't let anyone use you as a cash machine in 2024. For good skin, using lots of products isn't always necessary. Don't waste your money; let me be sincere with you. 3–4 good products on average are okay if you don't have issues with your skin. Achieving perfect skin is a myth; skin reacts and regenerates based on factors like diet, hormonal changes, weather, and allergies. Our skin serves as a barrier and protects us, so reacting and breaking out is part of a natural process. If skin issues persist, consult a dermatologist or treat them yourself with a trusted product.

Vitamins A, C, & E. Grape Seed Oil

Studies from recent years have made it clear that diet may influence the appearance of your skin. Diet and dermatology go hand in hand. There is also a study that discusses how nutrition and diet may affect our overall health. The American Academy of Dermatology published recommendations on the relationship between diet and acne.

Keep in mind that 90 percent of your skin's appearance is influenced by the food you eat. Eat well, stay hydrated, and be mindful of skincare products. Some people follow trends without understanding what the skin product is about or what their skin needs. To protect your skin, a product should:
  • Moisturize
  • Have antioxidants
  • Smooth and soften the skin.
  • Contain vitamins A, C, and E.
I personally use the Sulina Shop Uplifting Facial Oil, which includes vitamin A, C, and E and grapeseed oil with antioxidants and essential fatty acids. It tightens the skin, cleanses pores, and improves elasticity. It also contains argan oil and sunflower seed oils that hydrate and soften the skin, improving overall elasticity and rebalancing natural moisture production.
The best uplifting facial for all skin types

The key ingredients of the Sulina Shop Uplifting Facial Oil
Grapeseed oil hydrates the skin and fights radicals. Argan kernel oil acts as an antioxidant, tightening the skin. Vitamin E prevents moisture loss.

How to use the Sulina Shop Uplifting Facial Oil
After you cleanse and tone your skin, apply 2-3 drops and massage in a circular motion. You can also use your sunscreen afterwards. This uplifting facial oil is suitable for day and night; it blends well with foundation powder, giving it a natural glow.

Note: It is Paraben-free, gluten-free, vegan, fragrance-free, and Leaping Bunny certified.

How I use this product
After applying the Sulina Shop uplifting facial oil, I allowed it to absorb, and then I applied my Mac foundation powder. It blended so well, and here is my face after hours. I like the feel and the way it makes my skin feel and look rich and healthy.

Facial oil review 
Honestly, I did not see anything to fault with this product. It absorbed well, didn't dry up the skin, and wasn't harsh on the skin. I will give it a 9 just because nothing is perfect in this world, and yes, I recommend this product.

This product is also available on Sephora, but shopping at Sulinashop.com gives you a better option of buying the product for a cheaper price.


  1. It looks great on your skin, I am afarid that I can't buy them in my country :-(

    1. Oh dear, thank you. I like the texture. I'm hopeful they start selling this oil in your country.

  2. Hello, Melody. I really like all kinds of face care products, especially oils. Thank you for recommending this product. Cheers, kisses.

    1. Yes, oils are good for or skin. Purchasing a good one is key.

  3. Hello,
    This year I want to try more skincare, but my skin is kinda boring with all the products.
    I'm just testing some. And thanks for let me know about the vitamins.

    até mais,
    Canto Cultzíneo

    1. This is a great way to get your skin looking even better. Bring it on Nana.

  4. Hi Melody 😉
    Visit here from Indonesia.
    I follow your beautiful blog

  5. Thanks this is helpful information. I do not take care of my face as well as I should.

  6. Such a good advice, I actually got up and drank a bottle of water! Definitely will have to check out this skin care line, thanks so much for sharing!

    xoxo, MIDORI


  7. Dziękuję za polecenie tego olejku, lubię taką formę kosmetyków😀.
    Pomyślności na cały Nowy Rok życzę🍀🌹😘

  8. You have gorgeous skin. and what lovely photos Happy new year. I hope you're having a great 2024 so far, even if it has only been a few days into the year. hugs-Erika

  9. I agree with you. If we don't have any major issues with our skill, there is no need to use too many products.
    Our skin outward appearance is influenced by a number of factors, some we can control, some not.
    However, we can always take care of our health and try to be healthy from within. We can look for products that works for us. Thank you for reviewing this Sulina facial uplifting oil. It's good to know it works for you.
    You look beautiful Melody! Your skin looks great.

  10. I have never heard about these product :) Great!

  11. Thanks for your post and review.

    All the best Jan

  12. Thanks for the heads up on this facial oil! Your skin is fab:)

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