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Lifestyle Blogger

Monday, November 27, 2023

Can women safely drink alcohol?

First, when we mention "one drink," we're referring to 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor per day, distributed across the week, not binging on seven drinks in one night.

While recent studies might suggest otherwise, we align with the long-standing advice in the Harvard Health Letter, which is grounded in extensive research from distinguished nutrition scientists at Harvard and beyond. However, it's crucial to emphasize the term "generally" in your query. Nutritional practices, including alcohol consumption, may be beneficial for most but not all individuals, considering the diversity in age, gender, genes, and lifestyles.

Your genetic makeup and gender play pivotal roles in determining susceptibility to alcohol addiction, metabolic efficiency, and the impact on various organs. Moderate alcohol intake can positively alter body chemistry, lowering the risk of heart attacks and strokes. On the flip side, excessive consumption can harm organs like the heart, brain, and liver, and it poses severe risks to a developing fetus in pregnant women. Additionally, alcohol addiction significantly contributes to traffic accidents and violent crime. The recent study you referred to, heavily influenced by death rates in developing nations, underlines the global variations in alcohol-related health issues, particularly evident in higher tuberculosis-related deaths.

Analyzing the impact of alcohol on different diseases reveals a complex landscape. Over 100 studies indicate that women consuming one drink a day experience a lowered risk of heart attacks and the most common strokes compared to non-drinkers. However, these studies also highlight an increased risk of breast cancer associated with even a modest daily drink. It's crucial to weigh this trade-off, considering that heart attacks are a predominant cause of death in women, surpassing breast cancer by tenfold.

In conclusion, women who are pregnant or have a personal or family history of breast cancer, liver disease, or alcohol abuse should generally abstain from alcohol. For others, moderate consumption of one drink a day is generally considered healthy, acknowledging the intricate balance between potential benefits and risks.



  1. Beber álcool com moderação não fará mal. Claro que há doenças que privam as pessoas de o fazerem por não ser saudável. É preciso estar atento ao equilíbrio do corpo. Um texto muito bom.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  2. I also think moderation is best. Great post Melody!


  3. Tudo que seja em excesso faz. A bebida de álcool não foge à regra.
    Desde que sejamos moderados, não faz mal. Salvo, aquelas pessoas, que não podem mesmo beber bebidas alcoólicas.
    Excelente partilha, amiga Melody!
    Grato pela visit ao meu cantinho.
    Votos de uma feliz semana.

    Mário Margaride


  4. Very interesting post. Moderation is very important. I like to drink a glass of red dry wine on Saturday evening.

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